Can You Find The Cat In This Photo?


I've been looking at this for a long time now and need help. Where is the cat? I got this on FB and it seems there is suppose to be a cat. Others can see it, but I haven't found it yet. I'll continue to look, but need your help. Let me know where it is please:confused:. OMG! I found him/her. LOL


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I saw it right away, but then I am pretty good with those photos where you have to find different hidden items. I just have an eye for it. I think you're better at it if you have the ability to visualize pictures in a way that's different than the norm.
Look just in front of the pile of rocks on the right.

Coincidentally, a colleague of mine just showed this to me a few minutes ago (it was sent to him by his brother).
I saw that (what Kathryn pointed out) a long time ago, but, I thought it was a rock that looked like a cat. Is it really a cat?
I was able to find the cat right away - but I am a huge cat person (I've got 7 indoor cats and 5 outdoor cats that are either strays or neighbor's cats that hang outside my house) so I think my eye is well accustomed to seeing/finding cats:D
janiejoey said:
I've been looking at this for a long time now and need help. Where is the cat? I got this on FB and it seems there is suppose to be a cat. Others can see it, but I haven't found it yet. I'll continue to look, but need your help. Let me know where it is please:confused:. OMG! I found him/her. LOL


Do you see him Janie? I saw this on FB too and was surprised I found him. Once you see him, you'll always see him ! :) I can actually see him better here then the pic on FB. He seemed more "transparent" there.

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I didn't see it either until Kathryn's hint - then it jumped right out at me. Funny how the eye works - or doesn't...
Alright - NO way did I see that octopus before he showed himself - I had to watch it over and over - the slow motion, reverse still seemed like it was "trick" photography the thing was so well camouflaged.
Alright - NO way did I see that octopus before he showed himself - I had to watch it over and over - the slow motion, reverse still seemed like it was "trick" photography the thing was so well camouflaged.

It does look like trick photography. Just amazing.

There's a longer version of this film somewhere that explains how octopi do this. It's fascinating. They are color blind, and yet they stiill can imitate colors and textures of things around them, and do it very quickly.
My DH and I had watched the same thing on a documentary. It is so fascinating. It amazes me every time I see that.

I didn't know they were color blind. Wow!

After lot of struggle I found the cat, but the octopus was an amusing one, it’s got great skills to camouflage. I should better start having more green vegetables now; it was hard to find the cat.

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