Can you feel the excitement????


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-02 AT 08:53PM (Est)[/font][p]I just read through the behind the scenes stuff. Jai is inspiring to me and is she ever gorgeous to boot.

Oh, and here's a line from Cathe's comments on how she changed her eating to get ready for filming

"I cut back on starches about 85%"

I rest my case.
What "case?" Sorry, I don't know what case you are making - could you explain?
I don't post frequently on this forum but I've had a mild disagreement with some people who tell others that they eat sweets/bread etc. and it doesn't hurt them. Of course, the people who say that are fitness professionals or otherwise in excellent shape, not overweight and work out frequently. I lost 80 pounds two years ago by eliminating 100% sugar, white flour and other high glycemic carbs. After I got to 108 pounds, I found I could eat a cookie every day without damage but I work out 90 minutes to 2 hours every day. If I slack off even a little on the eating, I can gain 5 pounds overnight. There are many people on this forum who are trying to lose weight and not doing well at it who post that they can't give up sweets/bread and they are reinforced by people who do not have their challenges telling them it's okay. It's not okay if you're trying to lose weight.

Cathe stated she was trying to lose weight for her videos. And then she detailed how she did it. It seems like every day someone asks about that. Now you know. It isn't magic. You have to suck it up and give up the crap if you want to get into that kind of condition. It's not okay to eat sugar, bread, junk food, etc. and personally, I think "treat days" while you are trying to lose weight are a bad idea.

That's all. I'm sure there were some hoping there was a magic bullet in there but it's just plain old hard work and discipline. How boring but how effective.
Wow. Why is it not ok to eat certain foods? In moderation of course, I don't believe in eliminating a whole catergory of food..scaling back is ok. Whatever works, and I can see how eliminating all of those carbs worked for you.

Yes you have to try to cut back on the junk food, and really make a serious effort of course...

ANYWAY! I am excited for the Cathe commotion! I am soo frothing at the mouth waiting for IMAX 2!~
I think what the general crowd here is saying is "don't obsess over diet, keep exercising and be well rounded and fit in general". Do all things in moderation. So many have gone through the dieting yo yo and failed. I believe we all agree that regular exercise is the avenue to good health, feeling and looking is fuel for the body just as is food.

That being said, I have to agree with K60 in the food department. I have had four pregs and reached 160 after each one and it took 1 1/2 years to get the weight back down to the 115ish point. This last pregnancy (number 5) I couldn't have sugar and very few carbs following the birth (long story). I dropped to 102 in two months. If I eat more carbs/sugar I immediately put on the pounds.

K60's right IMHO in that if your goal is to drop the weight you've got to bite the bullet and drop the junk (sugar/carbs). There is no magic pill. It's tough, but it can be done. I believe this was reflected in several of Cathe crew's profiles in the "getting in shape for the video" section.

THE PSYCHOLOGY OF EXERCISE (a thread in itself)
You've got to decide if you emotionally need the cheat days to stay consistant with your goals. Better to have cheat days and continue exercising and being fit than to give them up only to yo yo back into dropping it all because it became too overwhelming. Just a few thoughts and a little support for K60.

I forgot to say thanks gettinfit for mentioning the info on the new vids, I hadn't seen it. Forewarning the UPS man to look out, when he brings them I might bowl him over to get to the box.

K60 - I do understand what you are saying. I agree to an extent, meaning that I'm sure there are people who would have extreme difficulty losing weight without giving up the sugar/flour/sweets, etc. I'm just not convinced that's the case for everyone. What works for Cathe will not work for everyone and what works for some of us may not work for Cathe. It's impossible to make a blanket statement as to whether a person should "give up the sweets" or not.

Personally, my limits are too stretched if I give up 100% of anything I like. If I do that, I will not be able to keep it up as long and have had great success using moderation in my diet (while still having some of my favs now and then) and working out consistently.
Sorry for going off on this tangent in the middle of your thread Gettingfit!

I CAN feel the excitement!! I spent so long reading over that newly updated section last night it's driving me crazy. ;-)
Hey, I've never been pregnant myself, but it seemed to me that Cathe looked like a million bucks a couple days before Kyle came along. Looked like she was all belly, and everything else was the same! Still, I do appreciate how much work must have gone into getting her waistline back in such a short time! Wow!! Very inspiring to all of us, even those who have not been through a pregnancy. :)
Okay, I'm officially at fever pitch now.

I can hang a little while longer, because I know the DVD's are going to be about 235% MORE than what I paid for (given how they're chaptering them), but I gotta tell ya - it ain't easy.


P.S. Thanks for posting that link, Gettingfit!


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