can you do ?


can you do muscle strength video one day and muscle endurance video the next? Or do you have to rest inbetween and do cardio?

Hi Paola,
As a general rule I would rest. I often find I am a little more sore after an endurance workout than a strength one. Every now and then if you use light weights and your not too sore you may be able to follow up say BC or CMAx with a weight workout the next day. But as a general rule I think your body needs the rest to rebuild.:7
I always rest the day after any weight work whether it is endurance or strength. I don't work the same muscle two days in a row. I feel your body needs proper recovery for good muscle growth and repair. I will do either cardio or work another muscle group the following day.


Edited for spelling
I would not do a strength and an endurance workout back to back. I have, however, done circuit workouts after either a strength or endurance workout. (I love circuits, but I have the most difficult time fitting them into my rotation because I like to lift, thoroughly hitting all body parts, two or three times a week). I don't use really very heavy weights for the circuit, though.


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