Can you buy new DVDs separately?


I was looking at the 4-day Split DVD series, and I noticed the first DVD is all step, and the second DVD is bootcamp and kickbox. I cannot do step, as hard as I try. I'm WAY to uncoordinated. But I LOVE her old bootcamp and kickbox workouts and know I'd love these new ones. Does anyone know if we can buy the 4-Day Split DVDs separately?
I really think you ought to reconsider this policy. There are some dvds that I would buy if I could get them separately, but won't buy anything if I have to buy an entire set. This is because of preferences, or the fact that there are just some moves I can't do.

I know that would mean duplicating some dvds more than others in the same set, and possibly changing the packaging, but I think it would soon become clear which dvd titles were the most popular ones in a set and you could simply have more of those made.

As for packaging, I would be fine with a jewel case if I could get the dvd separately. The CTX dvd with the upper body split on it comes to mind.

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