Can someone describe Body Rx for me?

Hi Mariela! I got the book from my library and just xeroxed the pertinent pages that I needed. I'm still reading it and to answer your question if its worth it. YES!! I'm only on the first Cycle, day 4 and already can see a difference. A little leaner than I was before. Its a 6-month commitment so I'm curious to see what I'll look like after the six months. See if your library has it and check it out. It was a real eye-opener for me. Good luck, Kathy
What mean is... Is there something knew in the pages of the book or is it the same nutrition information most of us already know put together in a new way? Do I really need the book to come up with a program that is effective for me? Sounds to me like if I do clean eating and heavy lifting I will have the same results. In other words, doesn't seem to be anything new.
Ok, I think I know what you're looking for. I'm relatively new to the idea of clean eating. I think what Dr. Scott (author of Body RX) is suggesting is just that. Cut out down on sugar, cut out preservatives as much as possible, eat lean meats (yes, even red), eat more fresh fruits and vegis. Is this new? It was to me. Was it worth the purchase? For me, yes. I am working on modifying my diet to resemble the one he suggests. Can you do it on your own? Probably--1 gram of protein for every pound of body weight, 1 gram of fibre for every pound of body weight. Watch your "processed" carbs.

I will say I was impressed that he mentions that he "discovered/invented" whatever, MetRx protein supplements but doesn't say they are necessary for you to achieve the goals you will see if you follow his "prescription."

Are you going to follow his routine? Which is heavy weights for each body part only one time a week? If not, don't bother buying the book. Most of the book is spent showing the exercises and discussing form. I choose to do my Cathe tapes & do cardio (I like it!).

I did enjoy the book because while, I'm not new to exercise, I wanted something to help me clean up my eating. Because I am new to that.

Hope that is more help to you. If not, maybe someone else will jump in.
Hi Mariela!!

The book is nothing new. It however is very interesting, but I am into that kinda stuff. For sure, if I read the whole book in one day!!! LOL!! Actually, if you don't want to buy the book, I think you can get all the info you need off of that link Mindi put on here. I am not giving up Cathe either, so why don't you just go look at Mindi's other post about the jist of the food program?? In a nutshell, the program seems to be as little fat as you can eat in any form, moderate carbs and as much protein as you can stuff into your face!! The carbs get less and less and the protein gets more and more as you progress through the cycles.

I am totally not a book person. Meaning, usually I shun EVERY diet book I see. I have read it all!! Basically the program is purely motivational for me, you know, something to adhere to. Gave me a reason to throw all the sweets out of my house!!(which right about now I wish would come back:):)

If money is an issue, don't buy it. Mindi's site will tell you alot. If you don't know much about reading labels, it could be too much too handle.

What I will tell you is "new" is the idea you can eat unlimited fruit (YES!! I have died and gone to heaven!!) This was very appealing to me. Unless I find myself blowing up, I will stay with it. Nice to know you can eat some natural sugar!! I hate those plans that say you can eat ONLY low glycemic stuff and all that!! NO Bananas!! Those diets are a waste of money!!

I would say an exercise physiology text or a nutrition text would be much more worth the money. I paid 25.00 for the BodyRx book. My husband purchased it and I just about fell on the floor when he told me the price!! I even said "Why did you buy it then??". I would not have. But then again, I probably would have read it in the store!!!

Janice is right..there's not much new here except that Dr. Connelly has actually pubished his studies for review, not many fitness experts can make that claim. He is unique in the sense that he doesn't expect us to become machines, that our need for a little luxury now and then is normal and expected too. Also I'm very impressed at the way Dr. C takes the time to personally answer email questions and very timely too. I've written to him myself!

FYI he began the MetRex Company, he has consequently sold it and does NOT recommend the products now. I believe he still owned it when he wrote the book and I was also impressed that not once did he ever suggest that one NEEDED to buy those products!

The book is probably at the library, or you can get it from for less. I'm a book person bigtime and I still often carry BodyRX w/me just to check stuff now and then.

I wish it'd come out in paperback, be easier to stuff in my bag then. *S*

What's the URL for your Body Rx site? I found the "official" site, but would like to look at yours, too. Also, would it be possible for me to get Dr. Connelly's email address from you? I would like to ask him some questions specific to an ongoing medical condition I have - see if it's safe for me to try his program. You can email me directly, if you'd rather not post it here.


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