Can men use your workout routines


New Member
Are your workout routines applicable to men? I am interested in a routine for body sculpting/toning and was wondering if gender was an issue. Thank you, JD
My military man who is used to working out for the most part is working out to Bootcamp and it's kicking his rear.

I tell you this. Contrary to what most men think some of these routines that cathe has have completley wipe my husband out. he cannot beleive the strength and endurance that cathe her group and myself :) have in our legs. He squats heavier weights but he struggles big time finishing these long reps and sets that we do. He has come to the reality that We-I have much stronger legs than him. Its a big turn on to him :)

nonetheless, he does the stuff with me on and off and he says they are a fantastic workout for any level and he enjoys the change and challenge it gives him compared to his regular weight lifting stuff.

he takes his hat off to us Gals....

Do the workouts, you will love them.

Most definitely JD! Cathe's workouts will challenge even the most advanced exercisers. She is fabulous at cuing on proper form, so we can all benefit from that.
I have been using Cathe's weight's videos for about 3 years. Giving more emphasis on PUB/PLB, Slow & Heavy and Pure Strength Series. Let me tell you they are a really heavy, good, and thoroughly workouts to build muscles, endurance and help your overall shape. My roommate saw me one time working out with Cathe's video and he was like: "hey, that's for sissy people" x( ..until one time I challenged him to do PUB with the same weight Cathe uses }( and...oh my!..I had so much fun looking at him struggling to finish those reps..LOL!!!...Now he is Cathe's fan and he is also making changes to his body shape.

So, yeap, Cathe are one of the best, strongest and challenge workouts for guys also!

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