Can KPC done this way count as interval training?

I love love KPC and do workout to it a lot..
The other day I used the workout blender and did :

1.Warm up
2.Intermediate intensity drills
3.Combo 1
4.High Intensity drills
5.Combo 2
6.High intensity drills again
7.Combo 3
8.Cool down

I really enjoyed this and felt that I had worked out much harder than when I did KPC as is...
I was wondering ,since, I was alternating high-intensity drills with the combos,which are lower in intensity, does this count as interval training?

Best Regards,
Unless you felt, during the high intensity drills, that you were pushing close to physical failure, then probably not. Interval training is characterized by short blasts that push you close to your absolute limit, followed by much lighter recovery periods.

However, if you felt you were working harder with that blend (which, just in passing, looks pretty cool) and you enjoyed the workout, then by all means stick with it.

Thanks so much!
I am really new to training in general and Cathe in trying to get to grips with all these terms.
I really enjoy your mish-moshes and tell myself that maybe someday I might be able to do them!!!!!!
Hi, Roshni! Thanks for your kind words!

For a neat, upper-margin kickbox mishmosh try this (hopefully you have all of these DVDs and a 5-disc player):

CTX 10-10-10 warm-up and kickbox segment
KPC medium / high intensity drills (omit warm-up)
Kick Max blast challenge
4DS Kickbox omitting warm-up

I dont have all of them...I have KPC...KickMax and CardioKicks are on their way to me!!!...but I suspect I will end up getting all of them!!!!
I love Cathe and love kickboxing!!!!
When I do, I shall definately try this mish-mosh(though I suspect it might just kill me..:) !!!!!

Thanks again for your clarification and suggestions!!!!!
Best Regards,

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