Can I use anything else in the place of a high step?


Active Member
We're headed out on vacation next month so I'm saving all of my pennies. Someday I'll actually buy the high step topper. Until then, what else can I use in it's place? Our weight bench doesn't quite work because it has the foot plates and bench press attatched.

I found a little plastic stool at a hardward store for about $12, I used it for a long time before I bought my step topper.
Kathryn, I do have a step but I only have 6 risers. If I put three under each side, it probably won't be enough for leg work, right? I guess I could put it on a few 2x4s! LOL!
>Kathryn, I do have a step but I only have 6 risers. If I put
>three under each side, it probably won't be enough for leg
>work, right? I guess I could put it on a few 2x4s! LOL!

10" is about the lowest I would suggest for the leg presses, but it's sufficient, especially if you 'dip-down' (squat down) at the bottom of the move and push off from the heel on the way up. 10" could be effective for you, especially if you are short (around 5"). Also, using heavier weights can add intensity to the moves. It's a good starting point, and if you get to the point where you feel it's not effective, maybe you'll have saved enought for a high step by them.

By the way, since you have 6 risers, you only need to get the High Step topper (no risers), since you can use the risers that you have. That would give you a maximum of 16", which is more than enough for step-ups, and even high enough for sit-and-stands, unless you are tall).

I wouldn't recommend propping the step up on anything else, it could be too unstable.
RE: Can I use anything else in the place of a high step...

This is just my .02. I usually don't post after reading question posts until I post. I sure was clear there, wasn't I?

I feel that working out without the proper step would be very dangerous and I would not recommend it.

I would stick to hi/low until you can buy a step.

Have a great vacation!
The Firm's Fanny Lifter works very well in place of the high step as they also use it for leg presses and similar exercises. It is much cheaper and can be found at ebay or Target. I bought it at target for $29 a while back.
Hehe...I had to chuckle at this one because I use the corner of my coffee table :eek: ! It's the perfect height for leg presses (I can even thread the band under it for HSC) and tricep dips. I looked at it one day and thought "Why not?" I just have to watch out for the ceiling fan though LOL.

I wanted to add (being rather frugal myself) that I used to used a regular step turned sideways for the High Step tapes. I bought the fanny lifter on sale as it is 14 inches like the high step but also has smaller sections for aerobics (6 & 8 inch). With the regular step I could do leg presses all day but the first time I did them at the full 14 inches I could barely finish them and it took me a while to complete all sets of the muscle endurance one. It really kicks your heart rate up and targets the thighs and rear much more intensely. I love the coffee table comment. I considered that too but mine was a cheap one, too wobbly.
I also use the fanny lifter. But it is hard at 14' I am still working up to all the leg presses. I also have the Reebox step that goes up to 10'.

Many years ago I started working out with the Firm and did not have their "Fanny Lifter", pretty much the same thing has the high step. But, I did have an outdoor plastic snack table (with four legs) from
Home Depot (cost about $8.00) that was pretty much the same height. It definitley held my weight and was very I used that for awhile and it worked fine.
When I first started working out to DVDs, I didn't want to purchase equipment until I felt I would get good use out of it. I had an old barstool in my garage that was collecting dust. So I sawed the legs off of it. In the end, it was 13" high. It worked fine.

The High Step did end up being a great purchase though. I never wasted my time buying a Fanny Lifter. The High Step is so versatile.


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