Can I still make "dramatic" changes in an hour or less?


My schedule for the next 6 weeks or so is going to be crazy. I will have enough time for an hour per day, ONLY, to workout. This is discouraging because I have been working out for about 2 hours (give or take) and love the changes I am making. I have 10 pounds to lose, and my eating is pretty clean (since my PMS binge last week!)

I do NOT want to lose my muscle mass that I have gained, it is starting to REALLY show and it is exciting. But, I also want to get some fat off my legs and butt.

What kind of rotation would you suggest so that I do NOT lose my msucle size but still continue to change the shape of my body in an hour per day? Is this STILL possible? I am dedicated to eating clean, really. 90% of the time!
RE: Can I still make


When I have less time I try to do more intense cardio. Maybe 30 min cardio w/ some high intensity intervals in it. For weights perhaps you could do just one or two body parts a day for 30 min. I hope this helps.

RE: Can I still make

CTX series with two body parts trained per day. It's perfect for you, that or the new Timesaver DVD.

RE: Can I still make

I workout an hour or less every day and saw much better results than when i was working out 1 hour plus.

W x
RE: Can I still make

i think you will be surprsed by the good results you will get with the shorter workout.

If you push yourself hard and make every minute count, it will still be an excellent. workout.

I agree about the cardio, make it intense with intervals.

Your body will be shocked by the shorter workout and you will have added strength to go heavier and harder.

Enjoy the changeup!!


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