Can I join the weight-loss check in group?


Hi Everybody:

I hope I can join your group?

My name is Marcia and I have about 20 pounds to lose. I am also training for a 1/2 marathon right now. I am "trying" to weight train and of course run, but also eat as healthy and clean as possible to speed up the process. :)

By chance does anybody have any good tips that can help me along?

Thanks, be talking to you soon.
Hi Marcia,

Of course you can join the check in, its open to everyone. One of us usually starts it on Monday mornings each week, whoever gets there first just starts it for the new week.
We still have one up for this week if you want to post to it, if not, I'll see you next week. :)

And clearly being leaps and bounds from my LAST 20lbs I'll have to defer to you for the advice on losing! :)

Although, you may want to post a general SOS for marathon training tips/eating because I'm pretty sure there are several members here that do marathons regularly.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

We would be happy for you to join us. I have about 20 (or so) pounds to lose also but don't look to me for marathon advice. Never have, never will!!! Anyway, see you there! :D

I would love to join the weight loss check in group as well!! Is it the post that says BFL checkin? I'm not sure which it is. I have about 20 lbs I need to lose myself, and have been struggling with my eating habits. I'm hoping maybe the checkin group will help. It would be really nice to have that kind of support. :)
Okay, nevermind about the BFL question, I found the post for the weight loss check in at the bottom of the page, silly me, just didn't see if before. So what is the BFL checkin? Is it some type of program that people are trying?

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