Can I do two STS dvds in one day


New Member
Hi. I would like to know if I can do two different dvd's on the same day: for example mesocycle week- 1 legs and mesocycle week two- chest biceps..
maybe the legs and one of the upper body, but I would definitely not do both upper body workouts in the same day. my opposing ms groups were also feeling the effects the day after so you will need the recovery time.
I think will get better results spreading the workouts throughout the week. Giving your muscles the right amount of time to recover.

Cathe said you can do 2 in a row if you have to because of your schedule, meaning Monday and Tuesday, but to follow an upper day with a lower body day. I have not read anything about combining 2 discs in one day. Also, even the lower body exercises, really recruits your upper body just by holding all those heavy weights. I've read a lot of posts that people are having problems holding the heavy weights to the end of the lower body exercises.

Are you trying to add in extra weight sessions, or do you need to condense all of your weight workouts into a shorter time period?
I wouldn't recommend it.
Often, more is not better.
However, you could do 1/2 of a leg workout, and 1/2 of one of the upper-body workouts together as one workout.

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