Can I cry on your all's shoulders?????


Hi everybody, I need to let off some steam. First, I have to go back to the beginning of the year.
On Jan 1, my son got very sick, went into sepsis and almost died. In April, my grandpa did. In May my huband lost his job and is still looking. I picked up another job in June and we got our cable and internet turned back on. Now, yesterday at this job the ladder I was on gave way and we both came crashing down. I've a broken elbow which if it doesn't heal right, I'm told will leave me only being able to bend my arm halfway. A puncture wound to my other arm, and my left leg is tore up. I was suppose to run a race this Fri.. That's gone now too. I can't workout, swim, run, do step, kickbox, nothing.....
I know that if God bring me to it, God brings me through it. Still, I'm bumming. Any suggestions on what I can do to stay fit in the meantime??
I'm thankful that this is all that's wrong with me, but it's still going to be a lifestyle change. Any suggestions would really help.

Thanks for letting me cry:-(

Oh my gosh Amy. My heart is breaking! I ALMOST tried to get in touch with you this past Saturday. We (daugther & I) were passing thru Columbus on our way home from a Christian convention in Cincinnati. I told her I didn't know your phone number or we would have called ahead to see if you could meet for lunch/dinner. I am just beside myself that I had no idea you were going thru all you were. Words cannot express my sympathy about your son. (Not to mention the other things!!!!) I know what you said is true about God only giving us sooo much, but boy, it is soooo hard to accept and understand. You are most definitely in my prayers and thoughts. I wish I could say or do SOMETHING to help your hurt a bit. Sending a BIG hug your way. {{{AMY}}}
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Amy - Whew, this certainly has been a painful year for you, and I'm sorry all of this horrible stuff has happened all at once. I can't imagine how you feel, losing a child. You sound like a strong person.
About the broken elbow, been there. In January, I broke my left elbow ice skating. Luckily, it was just a small fracture on my radius head--more of a crack in the bone than a complete break. It took six weeks for the bone to heal completely. It was a LONG six weeks, let me tell ya!
My advice is to MOVE IT. I was fortunate that I wasn't in a cast or a sling, That said, it hurt like h-e-double toothpicks. Despite the pain, I did all of the range of motion exercises my orthopedist gave me and I'm convinced that was the reason I regained my complete range of motion (my doctor was shocked that at six weeks post injury, I was back to "normal" in terms of moving the elbow). It wasn't easy working through that pain, especially since I refused pain meds, but it was worth it in the long run.
If you're in a cast or sling, make sure you move your shoulder joint by lifting the broken limb above your head. Ice and Advil helped for soreness and to reduce the swelling.
Regardless, you will lose strength in that arm/shoulder, so be prepared. I kept lifting weights for my unbroken arm. I also worked my abs and legs. I'm still not back to my pre-injury strength on the left side of my body, but that will come in time.
I have to tell you that the elbow bothers me every so often, especially in wet weather. Like the shoulder I broke in 96, I don't think it will ever be the same again, but c'est la vie.
If your leg is OK, you can walk for exercise (you can bring up your heartrate into the training zone by walking fast, and walking on hills will keep your legs strong). I rode a stationary bike during my recovery and when I felt like my balance wasn't compromised, I did step and hi/low. Remember to keep your focus on the long-term----complete recovery. If working out puts you at risk for lengthening the time/quality of your recovery or falling & making the break worse, just take this time off and consider it part of your training. Letting the body heal is important. It's a component of training that some of us neglect. I know it is difficult, but in September, you can start back (slowly).
When I was recovering, I tried to eat very clean. Lots of dairy and protein, and I make sure I took Triflex (GNC's joint supplement) every day.
Try to focus on the positive and remember that you have a lot of folks who care about you. At the end of the day, that's what really matters :)
Whoa!! Oh man!! I am SO SORRY!! My boy didn't die, he almost did. I'm sorry, I didn't realize I missed that word!! Gosh, I am so so sorry!! Please forgive my mistake!!

Amy! I was wondering where you've been for all these months. You should've privately emailed me as we used to & came to cry on my shoulder. Any time day or night. Right now b/c of so much stress I wouldn't worry about staying fit. You have to heal first & you want that elbow to heal properly as well as your leg so you can get back into the lifestyle that you had before. You most certainly will I know how determined you are once you set your mind to it. Just keep your diet as clean as you can & once you get back into it your muscles will remember rather quickly what to do. Keep your husband's spirits up & encourage him every time he goes out to look for a job. Its not easy I've been there too. My DH lost his job 3 times last year & landed himself a good job now so you see things always have a way of looking up & for the better. My love & prayers to you & your family. Take care Amy & email me any time you want to talk. Love, Kathy:*
Can't think of anything else to add except lots of prayers sent your way. Seems like when it rains it pours and you will be a stronger person coming through these storms, but boy that doesn't help to hear when your in the midst of them.

Keep in mind that this is a great place to share your joys as well as your sorrows and keep us posted as to your progress. My hearts going out to you!!

Amy, I'm very sorry to hear all that has been going on!
Hopefully knowing that we are here for you to lean on will help ease your pain in some small way! You are in my prayers!


"It is not easy to live life sometimes
And face the world with a smile
when you're crying inside.
It takes a lot of courage
to reach down inside yourself,
Hold on to that strength
that's still there,
And know that tomorrow is a new day-
with new possibilities.

But if you can just hold on long enough
to see this through,
You'll come out
a new person-stronger,
With more understanding
and with a new pride in yourself
From knowing you made it."
Amy-- send me an email!
I tried PMing you a while back, but didn't get anything in return and figured you did not have internet access.
JUst PM me here if you don't remember my email.
Hi Amy,
I'm so sad to hear of the terrible things that have happened to you this year. Maybe the next half of this year will be better. I'm not educated when it comes to injuries and such, but I do know that the treatment is much different than it was a decade or so ago.
I fell down a flight of stairs and injured my back in 1981. The treatment then was bedrest. Nowdays, we are encouraged to move as much as tolerable. With the blood circulating, it helps the healing process.

My heart goes out to you in your physical pain as well as all the emotional whirlwinds you are also experiencing. I will send you a PM later on today.
(((( lots of hugs))) You have many many friends here. From past experience with this group here at Cathe's, I know they have big shoulders to cry on.
My heart actually leapt for joy when I read your son hadn't died Amy! You have been in my thoughts all day. What a great relief to hear he is okay!!!! (Glad it was just a mistake) You still have so much to deal with. Give yor elbows a couple weeks rest and then, hopefully, you can figure out a few things that you can do that won't aggravate them. Like Susanne said, maybe you can do ABS & lying leg work. Give yourself time. You've been thru sooo much. You WILL come back strong once you are given the go-ahead! Keep us posted and E-mail me when you find time. THINKING OF YOU!!!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I'm getting ready to go answer my PM's now. I just wanted to thank you all for all your support and to aplogize again for my mistake. I'll keep you all posted on what the Dr. says. Thanks!!

Don't be apologizing for your mistake because it's sorta easy to tell that you were very upset while writing that post, you just didn't sound like yourself. We are just so happy to hear that your son is going to be okay. I hope you heal quickly from all the physical and emotional hurts. You have always been an inspiration to so many of us. I hope things get much better for you (and I'm sure it will!) We'll be thinking about you, and keep us posted.
Get well soon.
Hi Amy,

I'm so sorry for all you are going through.

I have had MANY health problems over the years that have caused me to be very creative with exercise. I have always been able to find something to satisfy me despite the physical limitations.

E-mail me if you are interested or just to "talk"

[email protected]

Hang in there
Laura Berk
RE: Thanks everyone!!

I got out and went for a walk this morning and I'm dusting off my exercise bike. I'm going to eat as clean as possible, and hopefully the doctor will give me the green light to run tomorrow. I was also thinking about stepping without using my arms, but I don't know about the balance. Cathe is pretty fast!! I'll see what the doc says tomorrow;-) . Gosh, I'm already going stir crazy:p !!

Have a good one!!
RE: Thanks everyone!!


I did that challenge with you on videofitnessfanatics a couple months ago! I'm so sorry about all you're going through!! Hang in there!! Tough times never last!!!
RE: Thanks everyone!!

Aimee - I wanted to let you know I read your post yesterday and I've been thinking about you since then. I KNOW what it's like to have financial problems and health problems too. My DH got laid off last May also. He found another job, but not making nearly what he was. That in itself is a huge strain on everything. I battle with health issues so I know the frustration you're dealing with there too. You sound like such an optomistic person - already dusting your bike off!:7
I'm so happy to hear your son is ok. Is he out of the woods now healthwise?
I've followed your posts for a long time. I admire you for all you've done and all you've been through. You're in my prayers, Aimee!
RE: Thanks everyone!!

Awww, Amy...I'm sorry about your fall!!! I hope that you heal quickly, and that you heal fully. (((((Amy)))))

RE: Thanks everyone!!

Thank you all! My son is back 100% and then some:7 !
I'm going to have plenty of time to think up another challenge, huh?
Well, I go to the orthopedist today. I'll let you all know what he says.

Thanks again!!


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