Can I achieve results with this plan?


New Member
Is it possible to achieve muscle definition if doing STS only 3 days a week?

My week goes like this -

Sunday - Long run (marathon training)
Monday - STS - Chest, Tri's, Shoulders
Tuesday - Run, Abs
Wednesday - STS Legs
Thursday - Run
Friday - STS - Biceps, Back
Saturday - Run, Abs
Sunday - Run

Always been a runner but only began STS 5 weeks ago. Obviously, the cardio is simple for me to fit in and I've been eating fairly healthy for a long time, healthy weight. Shooting for strength and definition and wondering if I will ever see definition going this weekly schedule. I don't expect to see it already of course, but was wondering if I needed to change this up in order to see it in the future. I was trying to keep myself from feeling overwhelmed by doing too much and getting discouraged but I realize I will become very frustrated if I dont' approach this correctly and accomplish nothing. I also find that when I put a run in and an hour on STS I don't look forward to the larger block of time lost, which is how I came up with the above. BUT, that said, if I need to change my mindset and do more, I want to achieve results.

Thank you for your input!

Nesnah, "47 year old dreamer of definition".
That's actually exactly how you're supposed to do STS, so the answer is absolutely! Cathe does recommend one off day per week (one of the runs - do yoga or stretching). But if your body holds up, just follow the STS plan and you'll be good to go.
Thank you!

Thanks for the quick reply! I am glad for the confirmation as the routine is working well for me as far as sticking to it as is. I usually end up with a missed day of running in a week here and there so I get a day off. Hee! I fear my running will take a hit and I won't be confident on my long run. No missed STS yet though! :D I think it will really improve my race day in August if I bring the strength with me. I've ran a half before but shooting for a little less pain that last mile or two! Ha! Ha! I feared burn out if I had to run almost every day plus strength train all those days two. I already have a pattern of activity on most days, I am just changing a few of those days to strength! Fun adventure! Now if I could just cut back on the carbs at the end of day! I keep them all healthy but need to switch more vegtables in there so I can see those muscles when they get here!
Have legs disc tonight---Yikes! It's a love hate relationship with that work out! No run after that disc! :eek: I take my wobbly legs to bed and look forward to the DOM's the next day!
Thanks for the quick reply! I am glad for the confirmation as the routine is working well for me as far as sticking to it as is. I usually end up with a missed day of running in a week here and there so I get a day off. Hee! I fear my running will take a hit and I won't be confident on my long run. No missed STS yet though! :D I think it will really improve my race day in August if I bring the strength with me. I've ran a half before but shooting for a little less pain that last mile or two! Ha! Ha! I feared burn out if I had to run almost every day plus strength train all those days two. I already have a pattern of activity on most days, I am just changing a few of those days to strength! Fun adventure! Now if I could just cut back on the carbs at the end of day! I keep them all healthy but need to switch more vegtables in there so I can see those muscles when they get here!
Have legs disc tonight---Yikes! It's a love hate relationship with that work out! No run after that disc! :eek: I take my wobbly legs to bed and look forward to the DOM's the next day!

No worries about your runs being effected, I only run 2 days a week and I have gotten faster by adding STS, plyo...and most of Cathe's workouts to my routine. I like to have a rest day once a's really helps my muscles recover and my legs from the running and plyo. Good luck!
STS is my go to rotation for race training. Anytime I have done that in conjunction with a race from 10k - marathon I have pr'ed. I alternate running and strength days. And the STS strength work will get you through the last miles feeling strong. On a side note, I eat tons of veggies roasted with olive oil to get in my carbs - sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, cauliflower, onions, garlic, eggplant.... the list goes on!
I'm with Jenn. You can make improvements in your running without having to run quite so much. My running improvements continue each week with only two runs also. You are marathon training and so I understand you would need to include 3 as a minimum to see enough progress to finish the marathon. There is a book out there which perfectly illustrates the formula of the 3 runs per week philosophy. Take a look at it sometime, after the marathon if you like.

However, you still have 5 runs listed here and no day of rest at all each week. Something will have to give, otherwise it will be your body in the form of an injury.

I would take out one run and have a day off from everything. Your body will perform better for having the rest and your mind will also, eventually.

Be careful about having too many fitness goals all at the same time. Marathon training is intensive and all consuming. To also try and achieve major strength gains with the STS program may be too much in the long run. You may find that you start to get an increase in anxiety by trying to fulfill two very different fitness goals concurrently. You may find that you need to ease up as you get further down the line. In which case, ease up with the weight training, not the running. You can come back to the STS program once the marathon is done.

You are all so right!

It's not as if most of us don't know WHAT the right thing to do is, it's just applying it that is so difficult! This week, my runs have virtually been non-existent. UGH! I ran 8 miles Sunday, felt awesome and let life intrude on my runs but not my STS. My desire to see it through is strong and I know it would improve my last miles on the runs. I've got years of running under my belt and a good base to build on. I love running distance! Problem, discipline now. I knew that starting STS would literally, add another hour to most of my workouts and distance running is a time taker. At least for me who isn't concerned on the time it takes as much as just the enjoyment and how far I can go. Hee! Like everyone else, I let my life intrude on my health goals as if they are not as important as everything else. When they in fact, are. I am happier because of what health and fitness gives me. Balance is always an issue. And some laziness! IF I got up in the early AM and got my workouts done nothing would interfere. Tell that to me at 4:30 AM! How do you guys do that!!?? I literally, would need someone to drag me out by my hair!

Anyway, I am going to allow a day off. Flexible there as it could be any of the 4 out of 7 days I have for running. I just can't quit the STS program at this point. It would make me unhappy to stop now. I just need to pull out the discipline with quality runs. Until this week, I have kept up fairly well and have felt great, no run down or health issues. Seems it's sent my appetite through the roof though and running into trouble there with overeating even good choices. And yes, choosing some bad ones recently. Children's eating habits are a battle.

And as suggested, all those yummy carb vegies sound delicious! I eat all mine pretty much raw just cuz my cooking talent is small. Love the sweet potato! I wish all of you were following me around helping me stay on track!! Hee! Your words help with the motivation! Now....could you all come and pull me out by my hair in the AM?
Don't beat yourself up. Every single person on these forums struggles each week with not letting life get in the way of fitness but actually, it happens all the time. Honestly, it needs to. Life is about life, a myriad of different things that we need to do and people we need to tend to, etc, and fitness has to take a back seat to those other things sometimes. If you put your fitness goals ahead of your professional obligations and your family, I would say your values were out of whack!

Like you said, quality runs are hat it is about. 4 quality runs per week is all you need and it's perfect. People train for marathons on less.

As far as making bad food choices is concerned, well, all food is calories and you will be needing them all for those long runs and STS, so again, don't sweat it too much. Now that it is summer, keep loads of nectarines, peaches, cherries on hand and reach for fruit every time you get the munchies. And you are allowed to eat some things that are considered "bad" choices you know: you have to have pleasure in your life also. Taste, pleasure, these things can't go out the window. You are already employing a huge degree of discipline in your training, and if you also over-discipline your eating, you might find yourself deprived of anything you enjoy, getting resentful and then going on a binge.

Moderation is key. Don't put any foods on the "forbidden list." Just have them in moderation and occasionally. It absolutely works.

I am never going to get up at 4.30 am to work out. So, you don't have to either! Who told you you have to do that? Crazy. The only ideal time to work out is when it suits your mood and body's energy levels.


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