Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?????


New Member
Hi everyone, I have been really obsessed with my weight problem. I am a 33 year old female and have gained 90lbs which makes the count to 210. I recently took out some of my summer clothes and they don’t fit me anymore!!! This is a real tragedy for me. How can I not wear the ones I adore...moreover the new look is getting me mad (with the comments from my friends). I know quite a few ways to start losing weight…….but I don’t really feel that, with so many people failing using these methods that I will make it through. Does anyone know a proven way to reduce the weight?

Please help me…..this is killing me!!!
A proven way to lose weight & keep it off is Weight Watchers. It's not a quick fix, but will retrain you to lose weight & keep it off. Of course you have to move around more, too, but you can start off with walking at first. It's calories in, calories out, nothing magic.
one proven way is to find whats work for your body and stick with it. learn and listen to your body about food and exercise. food and how you eat is about 85% if not more of the equation to getting and keeping to a health weight. keep a food diary of what,how much,when, and how you feel when eating. this will help identify if you are getting to many calories or nutrient void foods and how you feel(maybe emotional eater, i struggle everyday with it myself) and change those.

walking and yoga and even running have been like moving meditation time for me. they help me get in shape but really they help me let loose the world of stress and negative and take time for me. any exercise really does this for me but these help me soothe while weight training,kickboxing, even step help me get out aggression and i feel tough and ready to take on anything. keeping the metabolism in check will help keep your energy up and your body in burning mode even when you are at rest. even when you are not exericsing finding hobbies and activities that keep you active(play with kids at the park, go for a stroll around a few blocks,take up a sport for fun,get a Wii Fit LOL j/k but its been useful with this horrid hot weather we are having).

baby steps and patience is also the key. it didn't take a day or week to get into these habits and its not going to change overnight. you need to keep goals small and reasonable(ie lose 10 pounds in 7days is not really realistic or healthy).

also don't care what others say, this is for YOU and YOUR health and if YOU are going to be there for your family. if friends have comments kick them to the side and keep pressing on. just b/c somebody is smaller sizes doesn't mean they are HEALTHIER and i think once you focus on the health aspect and not worry so much about the weight loss, things will fall into place on their own.

good luck and welcome to the forums!!!


I agree with the above poster. It is all about what works for you.
I find my body responds well to eating Zone diet like micros. 40/30/30.

Keeping a log of food at first is key to knowing what your are eating. After a while, you will know exactly what your body needs and responds to.
I try to eat food that is as close to nature as possible. I think the only processed foods I eat daily are whey protein and oatmeal. The rest comes in the form of raw nuts, lean meat, eggs, fresh veggies and fruit.
I love eating fruit, carrots, spinach! I feel healthy on the inside and have a ton of energy when I cut the processed food out.

Eating for health should be your first priority, the weight will follow as an added bonus.
I started out slowly. I lost 35 pounds 9 years ago. My sister was at your exact weight and lost 50 pounds. First of all find a form of exercise that you enjoy doing and do it at least 3 to 4 times a week. Then look at your diet. Get rid of the junk food in your home. Don't buy it and don't bring it home. Read food labels and cut down on portion size. As the previous posted stated, keep a food log so that you can see what you are eating and make changes. When you start seeing changes in your body, you will get motivated to continue on the path and make more changes. Don't expect huge weight loss in a short time. I lost about 3 or 4 pounds a month. Everyone is different but things you see on television are not always realistic and possible with every day life.

First and foremost realize that you are making a lifestyle change. The changes you will make are not temporary. It's forever and therefore will take time.

It's hard work but you can do it.
I agree with everyone - find what works for you. But, I will also second the suggestion for Weight Watchers. They are the only proven way to lose weight. They will help you learn portion control, and how to make good choices instead of not-so-good choices in what you eat. Plus the group support is invaluable. I highly recommend them. The only issue is if you exercise a lot, then you need to add a few points a day.
Eat less, move more.

"The difficult periods of life provide the best opportunities to gain useful experiences and develop inner strength. " ~ Dalai Lama
RE: Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?...

There's no one method that will make you lose weight. You have to make you lose weight. Why do other people fail? Because they *tried* to lose weight. Right here, right now, I want you to stop trying to lose the weight. Instead: lose the weight. There's an enormous difference. You can do it and the good news is it's all up to you. (Someone on here's got a Yoda quote, where are you? :) ) Take comfort knowing that any (sensible) exercise and eating plan WILL work. The only magical ingredient is being consistent. Consistent consistent consistent.'ve probably figured out that we love our Cathe workouts here. Get one! If she picks up 15 lb dumbbells, pick up a 2 lb to start. Go from there. Once you start to see what your body is capable of, you can start working with it and for it instead of against it. Be careful of course, there's bad pain and good pain. Check back in and let us know how it goes, we want to hear back from you!
Yes! Diet and exercise!

There is no magic pill or secret diet that you can go on and be successful. You have to make working out a part of your life, and commit to eating healthier everyday.

Sorry, that's probably not the response that you're looking for. But unfortunately, that's the only true answer.
There are many ways to lose weight, the important question is how to lose weight healthfully and sensibly and in a way that allows you to keep it off in the long term. Most "diets" work short-term, but people end up gaining back weight later. It's important to change your lifestyle permanently, and not go for quick fixes that may cause you to lose a lot of weight fast, but that you aren't able to keep up with.

It takes learning some different ways of food prep, and perhaps changing some of your taste preferences (healthier food might not taste as good at first---believe me, when I was 16-18, I would have refused to eat some of the stuff I eat now...but now I can't stand some of the stuff I ate back then---but you can learn to prefer it.)

I've never used WW, but it seems to work for many. is another program that allows you to choose the type of diet (as in "way of eating" not as in "short-term way of eating for weight loss") you want, and provided recipes and meal plans along with forums for motivation.

Making better choices (baked X instead of fried X, for example) is important. "Picture Perfect Weight Loss" is an interesting book to pick up (check it out at your local library). It compares side-by-side foods and meals with the same amount of calories, to show that by making the better choice, you can automatically cut calories without eating less (eating less can often make you feel unsatisfied, because one component of satiety is how much room your food takes up in your stomach.

I highly recommend Dr. Fuhrman's "Eat For Health," which outlines a 4-step program for healthy eating that also leads to weight loss (you can lose weight in a way that contributes to your long-term health or in a way that may be detrimental to your health---always go for the former). You go step-by-step changing habits and mindset.

Consistent exercise/movement is also important. If you have an active lifestyle (you do lots of yardwork, walk a lot during the day, etc) formal exercise is not as crucial (except for working on imbalances and for injury prevention), but if you have a pretty sedentary lifestyle outside of exercise, formal exercise is more important. Some people wear pedometers to try to get in 10,000 (?) steps a day---through regular activities or through a mix of regular activities and formal exercise).

The easy answer is burn more calories than you take in. Yeah, we all know that, but knowing it doesn't make it easy.

For me, the answer is Weight Watchers. But it's a personal choice, and I've seen people who haven't been successful with that program. I lost 25 pounds on it eight years ago, but let 10 or so pounds creep up over the years. I'm back on it. Why? Because I needed to be reminded what a friggin' portion size looks like, AND there is just something about having someone else know your weight and see it in print every week that keeps me motivated. I've lost 10 pounds in the last couple of months (yes, it's slow, but I'm can wear a dress that eight years ago I had to be five pounds lighter to fit into...I attribute that difference to all the exercise and weight work I've been doing over the last two years).

Now, the other issue. One of the reasons that I didn't lose weight, and put some on over the last couple of years was because I gave myself permission to eat much more than I should have, just because I was exercising. Well, guess what? I wasn't exercising THAT much! Now I know how much I should be eating to lose and/or maintain...and it was a shocking revelation a couple of months ago; I thought that there was no way that I could eat that little every day. Now I realize, that it's not that little. It's the right amount for me and my body type.

Good luck with however you decide to make these changes. The main part of it is mental; you have to be determined to make the changes necessary. Wishing for it just won't do it. (I tried that method, too...;-) )
RE: Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?...

Or a tapeworm....x( that is what I am starting to think. Just kidding!:p You received sound advice here, its challenging "staying the course" but you can do it!
RE: Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?...

Weight Watchers. I'm currently doing weight watchers and I am happy to say that I've been at it for 10 weeks now and I am down 15.8 lbs. I also do Cathe workouts 6 days a week. Prior to joining WW I was just working out and I was gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. It was very frustrating then from reading these boards an seeing "clean eating" I realized I had to change my eating habits. Not only is the weight coming off since I changed my eating habits now I have more energy. I hope this helps and you find what will work for you.

RE: Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?...

I would suggest the usual. Eat the proper foods and in moderation. Of course exercise is the key, but I don't believe in the 20 minute walk three times a week deal. You gotta really kick it.

With respect to programs, my aunt did Jenny Craig and she was really pleased with the results. Whatever they put in their food really curbed her appetite. Everything went downhill when she got off it though.
You truly need to follow a eating program that works well for you. I follow Ann Louise Gittleman's "Fat Flush Plan." I lost 40 pounds and have kept it off for 7 years. Part of what really works is that you have to embrace wanting to lose the weight. It takes work to lose as it's primarily nutrition and not exercise. If you just go through the motions, it won't come off. However, if you do embrace it fully, the weight will start to come off.

Hope this helps.
Lots of good advice above, and I think not only do you need to find a nutrition plan that will for YOU, but make sure not to try to make too many changes all at once.

Too much is too hard - take it a day at a time and make changes that you can stick to without it being hard emotionally also.

AND remember that sometimes we don't follow our plan and either don't exercise or eat something we regret later. Don't fret it, just start a new day tomorrow and KEEP ON TRUCKIN'.

There is a checkins and challenges forum here - many of us find that posting regularly helps us stay accountable to ourselves - and also provides reassurance, motivation and encouragement from others.
RE: Can anyone suggest any proven ways for weight loss?...

"Does anyone know a proven way to reduce the weight?"

There are a million proven ways. However, they're all basically the same. They all revolve around calories in calories out (with variations) and being active. The problem isn't finding the one that works. They all work. The trick is to just do one. A calorie is a measurable physical quantity. There is no mystery to it. This is good news for you, since as long as you believe in the powers of basic addition and subtraction, you can succeed. If you can't see that and don't believe in the ability of yourself to succeed however, you may be setting yourself up for failure.

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