I just had a colonoscopy done in February. Not too bad -- not eating all day and drinking clear liquids is easier than you think. To this day I still have not had chicken broth. You can have Gatorade (as long as it isn't red), Jello, Lemonade, Chicken/veggie/beef broth, Apple Juice, Popsicles (non-red). I did movi-prep -- I started taking at 6:30, and it is suppose to be drank within 1/2 hr, if I remember correctly. Then the hard part comes....It also made me sleepy and cold. It took a few hrs to kick in, but once it did, you will literally be going to the bathroom every 1/2 hr on the dot, through the nite. Then you wake up at 4am to take the 2nd movi-prep dose. Then more bathroom time. My appt was for 10:30. They knock you out for the colonoscopy, that is the easy part. Afterwards you'll be groggy but fine.