
I was just wondering how many calories you burn when doing either the boot camp workout, or Imax 2 workout. Approximately. I know I'm giving it my all.
My HRM says about 375-400 for these two. I'm 5'6" and 125 lbs. I have to push really hard to get these numbers.
calories burned depend on your weight and of course how much you put into it.

i'm 5'2", weigh 112 lbs and burn about 325ish doing bootcamp
Thanks, I was wondering. I'm 4'11" and approx. 118lbs. I'd like to get down to your weight. So for cardio, I do on Monday's a 30 min. interval treadmill workout, on Weds. one of Cathe's cardio tapes and on Friday, another tape or treadmill depending on how I feel. 2 and sometimes 3 are of course for weights. It just seems its taking longer this time to loose. That's why I asked about how much burning is going on. I really do push myself, and I thought I was in better shape than I am, apparently, Cathe has proved me wrong.
What do you do for cardio? How long have you been working out? And may I ask the bad question, how old are you? I'm 51. Anyways, thanks for the feed back.:)
i sent you a PM!

i have been working out since february. i started with the 10-15 min a day workouts and moved up to cathe a couple (three?) months ago!

i also started the south beach diet in january. i was very strict while on phase 1 2 weeks and then remained strict in phase 2.

during that time, of course i was working out more and more. in june i took up cycling cuz even though i was looking and feeling good my legs weren't getting any better...

i count calories.. i have a program i use where i input what i eat and what i burn exercising and i try to balance it out.. some days i eat more than i've burned (not too often) and some days i eat less.. most days i balance.. which comes to about 1800 calories on weekdays (oh.. and when i was strictly on phase 2 of south beach i pretty much at about 1220 to 1330 calories a day before i started REALLY getting into exercising and riding)

so.. back to the question you asked.. i do strictly cathe now and cycling.

monday through friday i do either a strength, or full body/circuit, or combination (like CTX)... but mix it up (i.e. this week i did PUB/PLB both on monday since it was a holiday and i had the time!; KPC tues; HSTA wed; supersets today since i needed something les intense; and i plan to do the gauntlet tomorrow... last week i did CTX mon-thurs doing tri/bis, chest back, legs, shoulders one on each day.. then the gauntlet on friday)

i ride my bike every night after work for 45-60 min.. or about 15-18 miles. on weekend i normally do at least 25 miles a day and on some weekends more (like saturday i plan to do a 56 mile look to prepare for a metric century i have coming up at the end of the month) i take one weeknight of riding off to help my legs recover. and i never do a legs (leaner legs, legs and glutes, etc) workout on friday!

i still think i want to get to 110.. and i'm not getting there.. i've been "stuck" at 112 for weeks! so.. either my body thinks it is at its goal weight or i'm still doing something wrong! however.. my only problem area remains my lower tummy... since taking up cycling.. i love my legs! (and i NEVER thought i'd say that!) my arms look great thanx to cathe! so overall i'm happy.. and if i never loose the 2 "extra" pounds i'll be happy!

make sure you are not eating too much.. and just as importantly not too little! if you eat too little your body will go into starvation mode and you won't drop any weight! (i base my calories on a bmr of 1220 and add my workouts/rides.. and they usually come to about 1800ish for the two.. not counting long bike rides on the weekends that can burn well over 1000 calories on their own!)

ok.. that is probably more info than you wanted! guess i was in a "talking" mood today! lol! :+
Hey Desertbriez,
WOW-WOW:eek: You are unbelievable. Incredible. The bike riding is WOW I'd like to get a bike. Do you ride alone or do you usually ride with a friend or group? The reason I ask is because I'd be riding myself, and to me, that would seem alittle boring. I was thinking of getting a spinning bike to add to my gym downstairs, which seems like a better idea right now, but who knows. Some of your appreviations are ???? Like what is CTX, KPC, and HSTA? Oh, and whats the gauntlet? I'm new at this, both being a Cathe fan and to the forum, so when people are appreviating, well you know what I mean. Anyways, all of your info was great. I use to keep a food log, (Bill Phillips) and it did help, so I'm use to that, even thou I'm not doing that now. I"m still using his cookbook. I try to eat 5-6 times a day, thou 4-5 is the norm. Anyways, thanks so much for the info and the lol.
i ride both alone and with hubby.. if he won't go with me.. or if he wants to ride with the guys (that are faster and stronger than i am) then i have to go alone! i stick to familiar areas by myself that are well-traveled..

i have a trainer (props the rear wheel of my road bike so that i can ride it inside) and some spinerval dvd's for this winter.. since it gets dark so early i won't be able to ride outside.. but i plan to still ride outside on weekends unless it's too cold or too windy!

CTX = cross train express
KPC = kick punch crunch
HSTA = high step training advance

it took me a while to figure out the abbreviations too!

the gauntlet (and viper and imax extreme) are part of cathe's terminator dvd... i just LOVE both the viper and gauntlet (i haven't done imax extreme yet) they are very intense and burn lots of calories (so i can eat more! lol!)

LL = leaner legs
L&G = legs and glutes
SJP = stem jump pump

you take the first letter of the workout... i was forever going to the dvd/video section to find out what people were talking about! lol!
So, this depends on the height, weight and fitness level, correct? I am 5'9 and about 210lbs so I would burn significantly more?
i don't know about significantly.. but yes... you would burn more.. there is a lady over at ya ya's that posts calories burned.. she is taller and weighs a bit more than me and she always posts higher calorie burns that i come up with!
My HR monitor says anywhere from 375 to 425 for both of these depending on how much effort I put into it.


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