Calories burned...

I was just curious for an educated guess. I know it isnt the most accurate, but I switch my workouts during the week and run alot on a treadmill. It has a hill program which is very hard. In addition to doing Cathe 4x's per week, I run. The program allows you to punch in your age and weight and then the time for the run is 30 minutes. It goes from a 1.5 to an 8% incline and I usually go 4.0 to 6.0mph. Usually not that fast on the higher incline. At the end it shows a calorie burn of 375 calories. I was wondering if anyone knows if that is accurate. I was also wondering if Cath workouts burn more than that. I have been losing weight consistenly and eatong at least 2000 caloried per day. I was just wondering cuz I do eat lot(even though I am a vegan) that is a lot of food. Thanks for your responses...Tracy :)
Hi, Tracy! I'd say you can judge them to be roughly accurate. In addition to age and weight, there's height and bone structure. Plus, we are all a little different, metabolically speaking. :) Here is a fun website you can use to double check and, of course, there will be a variation for you but it's probably a good approximation.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Hi Tracy, I just recently bought a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned based on height, weight, and, of course, your heart rate. I don't consider myself an advanced exerciser as I still cannot make it all the way through Imax, KPC, plus others. Here are the readings I've been getting.

53 minutes of Kick, Punch, and Crunch burned 335 calories.
44 minutes of Step, Jump, and Pump burned 290 calories.
32 minutes of Imax2 burned 211 calories.
35 minutes of Step Blast burned 235 calories.

Hope this helps answer your question a little.

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