calories burned

I was just wondering about how many calories would be burned in Imax 3, kick max, and high step challenge. Thanks, Monicapote
Hi, I am not Cathe but I have found this in the forums:

"calories burned"

Hi Cathe
First i want to tell you i enjoy your videos so much. I am
an avid exerciser and i love being challenged. My question
is how many calories do you burn on the average during your
videos. Thank you for your time

Cathe Friedrich Mon Feb-16-04 03:39 PM
Charter member
4311 posts

#33024, "RE: calories burned"
In response to Reply # 0

Hi Lynda! Welcome! There is no way to know the exact answer
to your question but on average one can burn about 6 to 10
calories a minute during the aerobic phase of exercise. This
number can go up or down by a few calories per minute based
upon the intensity of your workout. Take Care!

I have found this too:

For guestimation purposes know that if you are working out moderately you are burning roughly 5 or 6 calories a minute. If you are working out intensly you are burning about 9 to 10 calories a minute. If you are pushing your lactate threshold (all out breathing heavy) you can be burning 15 to 20 calories a minute (in some extreme cases more). Of course you need to remember these are simply approximations. Take Care!

Hope this helps.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hi, not Cathe either but from my personal experience my HRM says I burn 506 calories for the 1 hour IMAX3 workout and 549 for the 70 minute KickMax w/o. I don't have HSC.

These numbers will vary person to person depending on weight, the more you weigh, the more you burn, and intensity you put into the w/o. I stay around 132 lbs. and my HRM is set at this.


There are so many things factored into your caloric burn. Age/height/weight/and heartrate. varies from person to person. I have a Polar A5 heartrate monitor and it lets you preset all of the info in it. gives you a polished off number of how many calories you burned for any one particular workout. One day I can do a workout and I burn 420 calories...the next week I can do the exact same workout and only burn 350.'s not a set number.

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