Calorie burning??:


How would I find out approximatley how many calories I am burning with each Cathe workout? I know that the Gin Miller Intense Moves interval tape burns approx 350 calories for a 150lb woman(that info was in a fitness mag) but like Cathe Intensity series, MIC, Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max...They are extremely instense and I am doing WW flex points so I am just curious how I could calculate this. Any help would be wonderful :)
I don't think you can calculate it, just make an educated guess. If you're giving yourself 350 for Intense Moves, maybe MIC is 450 or 475? Cardio Kicks maybe 400. Circuit Max 425-450, etc. There is no way to really know. And it can all become something of a silly numbers game with calories and calorie expenditures.
I just did CTX 10-10-10 and wore my Heart Rate Monitor..according to it, I burned 550 calories. I weigh 162 lbs. This is the average for me for a 30 minute Cathe cardio workout.

I am around 150 lbs. The last time I did MIC I burned 742 calories according to my HRM, Cardio Kicks: 494, Circuit Max:649.

I have a Polar HRM and sometimes my HR goes as high as 191 while doing some Cathe's. Unless you are doing alot of modifications, you are burning mega calories!
Well thanks for the responses! That is a ton of calories to burn. I should be losing weight like gangbusters when I do Cathe!! I may need my activity points in addition to the Flex and my regular points. Thanks again! I may calculate more cuz I weigh more.
Don't take that calorie burn as gospel. It is probably wrong. Way too high I beleive. Sorry. :)
WOW!!! I can't believe what your HRM are saying you are burning!! That is out of this world. Maybe I need to get one of them things!!:)

Janice you are great, that was so funny! I just had to let you know you made me laugh, because that was what I have been thinking too!
That's what I thought so too..I thought maybe my HRM was broke or something so I borrowed one from work and wore both during the same workout and the difference between the two was approximatley 20 calories! The calories burned count has been pretty consistent on my HRM on Cathe workouts.

I do believe the calorie burning numbers are a little high. Usually when I do a spinning class, 60 minutes, I burn over 600 calories. I burn significantly less calories when doing other workouts such as step and weights. I use a heart rate monitor and sometimes I use a different transmitter (polar) instead of the one that came with the HRM (Cardiosport) and have noticed that I burn MORE calories with the polar transmitter. Don't know why exactly. I do know that the one I ordered bases the calorie burning on actual heart rate and age and weight factors that I had to input into the HRM. I should use my HRM more during the regular aerobic and weight workouts I do and see just how different the caloric burn is and perhaps switch the transmitter for the same workout on different days.

Hey.. I don't think there is anything wrong with the HRM's, just with how they are calculating how many calories you burn. I think if I was burning 750 cals during IMAX 2, well, I should look like Twiggy by now, Cold Stone Creamery or no Cold Stone Creamery.....:):)

Unfortunately, my Polar HRM does not count calories so I guess I will forever wonder...
>I am around 150 lbs. The last time I did MIC I burned 742
>calories according to my HRM,

I just did MIC and I burned 507 calories of which 40% fat (my HRM gives that info as well). I am 5.5 and weigh 125. And trying to lose the same 10 pounds for the past six months. MIC and BodyMax do burn the most calories. Probably because of their length.
IAMX2 is on average 410 calories, Boot Camp 425, PUB/PLB 250, Power Hour 260, C&W 375, ME 350 , Body Max 500 and Cardio Kicks 375. Mind you, all on average cause it can vary a bit from time to time depending on how I feel.

Thank you so much everybody! You gave me alot of insight and now I know approxiamtley what Im burning. Im going tp buy a hrm for myself. Have a wonderful weekend!!!:)

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