Yes, plants are alive.
However, like milk, you are not killing the plant when you take tomatoes from it. And you are not killing the cow when you are taking milk. .
Not necessarily regarding cows. Factory farm milking cows are purposely only kept alive on average of 2 to 4 years (normal life span is 25 years) because they are continuously kept pregnant to produce the most amount of milk. They are forced to produce 100 pounds of milk per day, which is 10 TIMES the amount they would naturally, due to all of the various synthetic hormones being pumped into their bodies. They are forced to be pregnant (because that is the only way to produce milk) - Their gestation period is the same as ours - 9 months - so they are having calves every year, which takes a HUGE tole on their bodies. They see no daylight and are often stacked high in cages so the top cows feces falls below to the others. Factory farming is deadly!