Calling Vegetarians

Yes, plants are alive.

However, like milk, you are not killing the plant when you take tomatoes from it. And you are not killing the cow when you are taking milk. .

Not necessarily regarding cows. Factory farm milking cows are purposely only kept alive on average of 2 to 4 years (normal life span is 25 years) because they are continuously kept pregnant to produce the most amount of milk. They are forced to produce 100 pounds of milk per day, which is 10 TIMES the amount they would naturally, due to all of the various synthetic hormones being pumped into their bodies. They are forced to be pregnant (because that is the only way to produce milk) - Their gestation period is the same as ours - 9 months - so they are having calves every year, which takes a HUGE tole on their bodies. They see no daylight and are often stacked high in cages so the top cows feces falls below to the others. Factory farming is deadly!
Oh my...I try to stay out of the vegie threads and just read...But the cow thing got me...

I don't consume milk products based on one simple thought...The only thing milk was created for was to turn a calf into a cow in 6 months..We are the only species on earth that drinks the milk of another mammal, right? As far as composition goes, wouldn't it make more sense to milk a monkey? Their digestive system is created much more closely to ours...

That being said, origanally I stopped drinking milk (consuming milk products) because I'm lactose intolerant, not because I was "on a mission"...
I agree

and again, it's because we are in a meat mentality society where after the cow is done with milking, it's send to slaughterhouses

However, in India, cows are loved and a cow that it's treated well, produces more milk.

Normally a cow is not killed by producing milk but in our meat oriented and consuming society, it is. Milk again is another thing, we eat too much of it. If we reduce our consumption of dairy, then we are healthier and cows are happier

but the truth is that if you treat a cow well and it's loved, it actually produces more milk!

a cow produces so much milk that it needs to be milked (i am talking naturally), otherwise, it's painful.

but you are right, in North America (and many other countries) nothing is natural and cows are badly treated. At least if we didn't eat meat, they wouldn't be sent to slaughterhouses. but they are because people want to eat meat.

poor cow spending years forced to produce milk and then sent to be killed.

what a cruel world!

Not necessarily regarding cows. Factory farm milking cows are purposely only kept alive on average of 2 to 4 years (normal life span is 25 years) because they are continuously kept pregnant to produce the most amount of milk. They are forced to produce 100 pounds of milk per day, which is 10 TIMES the amount they would naturally, due to all of the various synthetic hormones being pumped into their bodies. They are forced to be pregnant (because that is the only way to produce milk) - Their gestation period is the same as ours - 9 months - so they are having calves every year, which takes a HUGE tole on their bodies. They see no daylight and are often stacked high in cages so the top cows feces falls below to the others. Factory farming is deadly!
That being said, origanally I stopped drinking milk (consuming milk products) because I'm lactose intolerant, not because I was "on a mission"...

I'm on no mission. I've seen the facts, I've visited factory farms, and I CHOSE what is the best thing for me and my beliefs. Anyone can take the info or leave it. Not for me to judge. I simply wrote what happens in factory farms and what I have seen with my own two eyes. No judgement on others who choose to eat whatever they want. It is important, however, to know where our food comes from.

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