Calling Healthy Bakers>>> suggestions please

Judy - there's a breakfast cookie recipe in the Cathe cookbook!

As for the Wheatena, I have no idea what that is, so I can't help you there:)
Hi there - this is from the Cathe cookbook - I can email you the entire book if you want, but I don' tknow how to post a link... anyhow, these cookies are WONDERFUL

BIG Breakfast Cookie

A giant cookie for breakfast? That's right! One of these is sooooooo filling (You might not even eat the entire thing!) and they are nutritious too! You can even make a batch and freeze them to eat throughout the week. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 1 BIG Cookie

1/3 cup oatmeal
1 Tb raisins
1 Tb flour
1/3 cups fat-free dry milk
¼ cup applesauce (no-sugar added)
¼ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp. baking powder
1 Tb Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener *
(I also add 1-2 scoops of chocolate protein powder and increase the applesauce just a bit to compensate for the added dry mix)

Ingredients for a batch of 4 BIG Cookies:

Note: These cookies are huge and filling. You might even want to bake them as 6 smaller cookies

1¼ cups oatmeal
¼ cup raisins
¼ cup flour
1½ cups fat-free dry milk
1 cup applesauce (no-sugar added)
1½ tsp. cinnamon
1½ tsp. baking powder
¼ cup Splenda or other no-calorie sweetener *

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a LARGE cookie sheet with Pam or use two smaller cookie sheets. Mix all ingredients together and spoon 4 large mounds on sheet. Bake for 15-20 min.(You can even freeze a whole batch of these and then eat them throughout the
week! Just thaw them to room temperature, or nuke in the microwave for 30 seconds, before serving.)

Nutritional Info: (per cookie, made with Splenda): 270 calories, 2 g. fat, 4.2 g. fiber (5 points) (Using sugar instead of splenda adds 1 point per cookie, for a total of 6 points per cookie)
Where can I find this book, I'd be interested in seeing what is in it. Thanks!

Oh, and doesn't the protein powder decrease in nutrition once it is heated? I thought it did so I only have my son drink it cold.

How many of you use protein powder? I never have. Is it going to bulk us up? I guess I don't understand it well, huh?
If you PM me your e-mail address, I'll send you a copy.

And no, protein powder won't bulk you up. In fact, most women won't "bulk up" because we don't have the testosterone necessary to do so.:)
Have you tried the website of the manufacturer? They might have some recipes there.

Is wheatena like shreaded wheat? Or like Malt=O-meal?
If it's like the former, then maybe a bran muffin mix, using crunched up wheatena instead of bran?
If it's the latter, then use it in place of oat flour in some recipe, or in place of some of the wheat flour in a muffin or bread recipe.
(Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any culinary disasters which occur from following my suggestions!).

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