Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for advice...

Tricia Haley

Hi Ladies, I just started WW and my points are 22. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!! I am hypoglycemic(sp?) so i need alittle some thing every 2 hours. My problem is i feel like sometimes i am nit picking my points away. I would rather try to use most of my points at meals. My question is what low point or -0- point satisfing snacks did or do you guys use to get you threw to the next meal.? I am only on my third day and i have already used about 5 flex points. I am exercising and believe me, getting more points to add to my 22 is my motivating factor. I hate to think what i am going to be like around my period. Some snacks i do eat, but again they use up points, are oranges, 5 almonds, cheese stick, brown berry bread 1 slice toasted, 1 herseys kiss, 5 frosted mini wheats, 5 quacker oatsquares. Thats about it off the top of my head. I would appreciate any advice! You ladies are great!:7 Thanks Tricia Haley:) ;) :7
Hey Tricia,
I've been a liftetime weight watcher member for 4 years now (lost 45 pounds). I get 20 points per day plus the 35 flex per week and whatever exercise I do. I eat oranges and bananas for snacks. I also eat the little 4 oz containers of cinnimon applesauce (WalMart brand is only 1 point)as a 10am snack. I have problems snacking on cheese because for the high points it is not worth it to me because I always want more cheese after I get done. So I limit it to putting it on salads and sandwiches. What helps me to stick with it is to always write it down no matter what and always drink my water. If you've been on it for 3 days and only used 5 flex points you are doing great. I used 6 flex points on Tuesday alone. If you take the 35 and divide it by 7 that gives you 5 points to use everyday if you wanted to. I also try to use the majority of my points at lunch. I've been eating an egg (or egg beaters), toast, and orange juice for breakfast and it seems to help me make it until lunch. I don't think I have any real words of wisdom for you except that it works if you make it work. Sure you can eat a big mack for lunch but then you don't get any dinner. I've found that I'm really picky about what I choose to eat because if I'm going to spend 10 points for lunch it better taste like heaven or else it's not worth it to me. I'm always willing and happy to talk about weight watchers so feel free to ask away anytime. Good luck and I know you'll do great.
RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

I have been thinking about joining Weight Watchers, and I was wondering how many Activity points you earn with Cathe workouts?
Thank you for your input, have a Nice Day!

For snacks I eat apples, grapes, or carrots. All zero or 1 points and easy to grab. Animal crackers very low in points too, pretzels, but lately I am trying to stay away from refined carbs. Or find the skinny cow brand ice cream sandwiches...2 pts I think. There are some of those little snackie type granola bars out, I can't remember the name but they come in flavors like snickers, m and m's etc...2 pts per bar but they are small. Also I found the sugar free, non fat yogurts are only 2 pts and they fill me up. Pickles. Make sure to get your water it helps you feel full. STick with it, eat lots of fiber and it will really help you feel full. Make sure you get your dairy too, low fat, it helps you feel full! The first week or so is the hardest after that it seems normal, you lose weight and keep thinking "whats the catch?"

Go go go! You can do it.

Best advice that applies to WW and any other diet...I may have gotten it from this site...

"Never sacrifice what you want at the moment for what you want the most!"
Remembered that last night at 10 pm when I wanted a big bowl of ice cream REALLY BAD. (Had a cup of tea instead~!)

Jen :)
Tricia ... just off the top of my head ...

1. veggies - almost all are zero points per serving, and you can have five servings a day, spaced out, before they "count" as points.

2. 18 small black olives are one point

3. low cal/low fat bread (about 60 cals/slice) is 1 point per 2 slices.

4. one teaspoon of fat free mayo is zero points

5. one teaspoon of peanut butter is two points

6. a banana is two points

7. berries are one point for a lot of them (can't remember how many exactly, but you should be able to look that up online if you're an online member, or use your points card or booklet)

8. Snack Pack puddings (chocolate or vanilla) are two points each

9. fat free waffles (Kellogg's makes a good brand) are one point each

10. low fat yogurt in the little cups is two points a piece

I can't think of any more right now, but I hope this helps! I used to snack all day long too. And, water really helped. I drank three quarts a day and still do, six months after making goal. It keeps me there! It also helps you feel full and keeps the cravings down.

Also, not to confuse you or anything on the whole point issue, but it's okay to eat those flex points every week, especially since you're working out. Even when I was "supposed" to be at 18 to 23 points a day (I joined under the old point range system, so Flex Points was new to me halfway through), I still ate between 25 and 27 points a day, especially on workout days. I still lost an average of 1.4 pounds per week, for six straight months. Those workouts (especially Cathe's!!!) use a LOT of points, so don't be afraid to feed your body. You need the fuel. When I tried to eat less points, my weight loss stalled. Your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto fat if you don't give it enough fuel. I know it sounds backwards, but it's not from a physiological standpoint.

Anyway, I hope this helps!! It just takes some getting used to, and a little research to find the low point foods, and soon you'll find you know the point value of anything you look at!! Best of luck to you!!

RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

It depends on your weight and intensity level. I counted 3 AP's for a strength training workout, and 5 or 6 for a cardio one. There's a formula you can use too. It's ...

Body Weight/124 X time/intensity level

Low intensity = 35 (50 - 65% maximum heartrate)
Moderate = 25 (65 - 75%)
High = 10 (75 - 90%)

Hope this helps!

Tricia, I found that the first two weeks are the hardest. Then your body will adjust to the shock of eating less and eating more healthy. Just give it time, use the flex, use some APs and the weight will come off.

I have been lifetime for 10 months after losing 35 pounds.
You must check out She has the most wonderful recipes (with photos) points and calories. They are in categories. This may help with getting variety into your diet!

babydollsea :)
RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

Hi Tricia,
I am new to ww also, and have 22 points per day.
I love to eat, so this is difficult for me. One thing I've found that helps me feel fuller is fiber. I believe 1/2 cup of All Bran cereal is free in WW and packs a lot of fiber.
I mix it in with my oatmeal in the morning or my Yoplait lite yogurt. I have really noticed a difference in this tiding me over until lunch time. Also, I try to eat a 0-1 point salad with my lunch and find that the veggies in there really help me feel satisfied.

For a sweet tooth, try making sugar free jello and substituting a cup of ff vanilla yogurt for the cup of cold water (still use the hot water) and when it's cooled off it is supposed to taste like a creamsicle (if you use orange jello) I haven't tried this yet, but have 2 friends on ww that swear by it. the jello is free and the yogurt is 2 points if you use light.

hope this helps, let me know what you think, it sounds like we are in the same boat!

RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

Awesome- Awesome -Awesome!! You guys are great! Thank you. I will be copying what you all said. I will hang in there. It is always inspiring to hear of success.:) What i would like to know also is the points per Cathe video. For example. Boot Camp, Circiut Max, Cardio & Weights, Imax, the kick box tapes - Vs. - the Weight Train only tapes, PUB & PLB, MIS, PS, PP, SS, ME, PH. I have all of Cathes DVD's and am getting the new ones. What do you guys count these tapes? what would be a rule of thumb? I do have a exercise counter but i am always afraid i am being to generous to myself. And What is considered "Light"? Does anyone consider house work or yard work Light? Do any of you give your self extra points for house work? Just some silly questions that have been floating around in my brain! hee hee:+ Again thank you :* :7 I will not be able to check this thread till sunday afternoon. We have Volleyball all day today and Church tomorrow, so i will check again Sunday Evening!! Blessings to you all! Tricia Haley:)
RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

I have had problems with hypoglycemia at times too and usually when just having fruit without protein. Here are some other low point things I found:

Breakstone fat free snack size cottage cheese - 1 pt (The 2% is 2 pts)

Light string cheese - 1 pt (could combine w/ half serving of pretzels or with some fruit for a snack)

Natural Ovens bagel (1/2 bagel) - 1 pt

Low Carb Snapple a Day fruit beverage - 1 pt (has lots of fiber, protein, calcium etc but low in sugar)

Hard boiled egg - 2 pts (w/ Easter might be plenty of these around!)

Kashi Heart to Heart Cereal (3/4 c) - 2 pts

Quaker Wholesome Oatmeal Raisin Granola Bar - 2 pts

Some of these are my point calcualtions so you may want to double check. Good luck!
RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

To be safe I would count all of Cathe's videos as 4 points for the weight training ones, and 5 pts for the step videos. Others might disagree.

I wouldn't count housework as anything points wise.
Hi Tricia we have a lot in common! I'm on WW, hypoglycemic, and now at the 22 point target! :)


1 oz. 50% fat Cabot cheese (really good), 15 kashi TLC crackers = 4 points

10 peanuts, 1 orange = 2 points

3 egg whites, 2 slices natures own 100% whole wheat toast = 2 points

3 egg whites, 3/4 cup kashi good friends cereal, 1 cup ff milk = 4 points

2 slice ff american cheese grilled on toast mentioned above with Pam butter flavor cooking spray, 1 cup of NO point soup = 3 points

6 slices hickory farms 94% ff turkey, same bread as above 2 slices = 2 points

same bread again X2, spreadable fruit, natural pb = 4 points

Also, come to ww online>Fitness Challenge forum and look for our daily Cathe Challenge Group if you haven't already! All are welcome! :)
RE: Calling all Weight Watchers (on the program) for ad...

Thanks again!:) I am going to copy all of this and put it to use. I weight in on Tuesday. So wish me luck:+ Tricia

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