Hi Anna! I like 1 and 2 equally, and I got 3 for Christmas, but have not tried it yet. I'm sure I'll like it just as well -- except they changed the music, and I LOVE the music in the first two. :-(
Hey Anna..
I want this one too. Don't know if I will get Millenium 1 or 2 but I am hoping to get it through trade, maybe for one of my Cathe VHS. Do you know if Powerstrikes come in DVD??
I've had all 3 but just got rid of Powerstrike 1. I liked it but not as much as 2. I like the rhythm and moves of the 2nd one. I love the music too. Seems the punches are more balanced than the first one. On the first one they work one side forever that it tires you out before you even start with the other side. I just got #3 and previewed it. It looks like fun too although they changed the set and the music. I wish they had stayed with the same there. The only one that I know of so far in DVD is #3 but it's way behind in its release. It was supposed to come out in Nov then Dec, now it may be mid Jan.
Hi Anna,
I don't like #1 at all.I don't know why.I think it is b/c the kicks are to fast.Or the fact that I owned #2 first.In my opinion.Buy #2.My favorite is #3 b/c the kicks are slowed down so they are really intense so you can feel it in your legs.And #2 is good b/c of the upper body punches.Your arms will feel like jello after.They also have different music.But #1 and 2 have the SAME music and that drives me insame.
If you want to save yourself some money just get the ones I suggested.Then you can buy another Cathe tape out of the money you would have spent on #1 :7
Im always thinking ahead!
Hi Lori, I am going to follow your advice and go for Powerstrike 2, and then maybe volume 3. If the kicks are a little too high then I will give vol 1 a miss. Thanks
I am going to build up a collection of Kickbox tapes this year as it is doing wonderful things for my outer hips and thighs.