Calling all fellow instructors regarding the sweat factor

Hi all,

Just curious how many of you actually sweat when teaching a class? When I finish teaching I look like a drowned rat! Unfortunately I sweat quite a bit in all my workouts and when I teach.

I really wish I could maintain a more professional look. My hair is soaked, face red, etc. Any advice out there? Some teachers do not even sweat at all, how can that be?

Hi all,

Just curious how many of you actually sweat when teaching a class? When I finish teaching I look like a drowned rat! Unfortunately I sweat quite a bit in all my workouts and when I teach.

I really wish I could maintain a more professional look. My hair is soaked, face red, etc. Any advice out there? Some teachers do not even sweat at all, how can that be?

I sweat during my classes - and I teach in the pool yet!

I don't know that there's anything that can be done about it; some people are just more prone to sweating and flushing than others. And . . . it may very well be that because you sweat during your class, your participants might actually be relieved and motivated because they themselves are sweating!

I sweat during my classes - and I teach in the pool yet!

I don't know that there's anything that can be done about it; some people are just more prone to sweating and flushing than others. And . . . it may very well be that because you sweat during your class, your participants might actually be relieved and motivated because they themselves are sweating!


sweating as the instructor of the class is TOTALLY PROFESSIONAL!!!!!!

I would rather take a class from you and see all the effort you put into it than from a "flower" who doesn't want to ruin her make up and workout outfit by sweating!!!!

Your sweat is itself a role model for your class members: if they put in their all, they too will enjoy the improved fitness you have!

To my mind, you are a wonderful role model in that, after all, Cathe admits to sweat flying off her in Cardio Kicks, i.e. "need an umbrella!!!"

I used to teach about ten years ago, but I ALWAYS SWEATED! In fact, it didn't matter if I was doing an all out body-blast class or a low-impact/low intensity class. I sweat all the same.

This may sound totally 80's, but a headband worked wonders for me. Perhaps a bandana, baseball cap or something else on the head will keep you from having a downpour.

Good luck!
Hi all,

You all made me laugh!!!! I guess I should say I sweat and I am proud! Thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate it and will take it to heart!

Thanks cheryl
I sweat, instruct and wear a headband and a teeshirt to soak it up. The problem with me is I sweat from about 5 minutes into any workout, including relaxing yoga, and don't stop until after my shower. I have always sweat heavily (not my sister though!!! - what is up with that - not hereditary or what? Perhaps I am in better shape?).

Sheila C.
Well, I don't sweat profusely when I teach, but the amount is dependent upon the type of class, the temperature in the room, and how much I need to coach.

Just because an instructor (or person in general for that matter) doesn't sweat, it doesn't mean they are not working hard. Some people simply sweat more than others. I am one of those non-sweaty types unless the humidity is very high.

RE: Calling all fellow instructors regarding the sweat ...

Hey Roe:

sorry if my words caused you offence. Hopefully none is taken? :) I understand of course what you are saying, it makes perfect sense. I would never dream of accusing you of being either unprofessional or a flower!!!!!!!! Just trying to give some encouragement to the lady who posted when she needed it.

Take care,

RE: Calling all fellow instructors regarding the sweat ...

No offense taken at all Clare! :7 There are some people who really want to see the instructor working hard and others who get intimidated seeing the instructor working really hard. Today I was a little late for my morning strength training class and came in to find one of the participants leading tall box climbs - like a drill sargent! She did a pyrmaid up set. I was impressed! :7 I like to teach to the hard core crowd who want to sweat!

RE: Calling all fellow instructors regarding the sweat ...

I REALLY sweat...I have started using the twisted bandana and I think it helps. It's embarressing, but I can't control it. I think some of it is because I've gotten so used to being able to exercise under a fan at home, and I can't do that when I teach. There is no fan over me (wah!). But I look like a drowned rat after my 1 hour step class. Even my calves are dripping. I think the cueing takes some energy plus I am doing it more full-out.
RE: Calling all fellow instructors regarding the sweat ...

Hi Im not an instructor but I just read in the M&F for hers that when you start sweating right away while excerising it means that you are more in shape. That is what I read I don't know how true this is, but I've notice that I do sweat alot more since 18 years ago when I started excerising. So this might be a good thing;-) P.S. I just read it in Sept/Oct issue.

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