Calling All Bakers!


I love cooking but baking is not my strong suit! I'm planning to make blueberry scones but I found out that blueberries are $5.99 a 1/2 pint and I am philosophically opposed to paying that for some berries, especially since I need two cups! Color me "cheapskate" but do you think using frozen berries would present a problem? Should I drain them first? I don't want the scones to be blue all over, or too thin from the extra water.



Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
I used to add frozen to my muffins all the time.

Just make sure to have your batter completely mixed and then don't stir the berries too much, just fold in until pretty evenly dispersed within the bowl.
Using frozen blueberries is probably even better than using fresh ones! When I make blueberry muffins, I take the package from the freezer only a second before I stir them in. If you use fresh blueberries, the blue will bleed too much.
Traditional scottish scones would have currants or raisins which work real well when the blueberry prices are too high.

I gave up on the blueberries in scones as I wound up crushing them when folding and flattening the dough.

I've read in the past that if you coat the blueberries with your flour lightly, they won't make your batter turn as blue. Haven't tried it, but may be worth a try.
Frozen blueberries are definitely more cost effective than fresh. They'll work just fine in your baking (I like them mixed in my oatmeal) plus the fresh ones go bad REALLY fast. When I've bought fresh blueberries, they usually go bad if I don't use them the day I bring them home from the store.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good
Frozen should be okay, but they'll be fragile unless you put them in while still frozen. You could also try dried cranberries - delicious, easy to find and inexpensive. And they're great for you.

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