I was shocked to find my mastercard had gone from 6.5% to 29.9% in the space of a month. I frankly didn't think calling them would help b/c they seem to be making up their default losses on their good customers, but I figured I had nothing to lose.
I was pleasantly surprised that they not only reduced it back to its original rate, they refunded me the extra interest charges. I'm now feeling slightly better about our banks, regardless of the new bonus announcements last week.
The call was def. worth it--if you haven't done it yet, pick up that phone!
I was pleasantly surprised that they not only reduced it back to its original rate, they refunded me the extra interest charges. I'm now feeling slightly better about our banks, regardless of the new bonus announcements last week.
The call was def. worth it--if you haven't done it yet, pick up that phone!