Call 911, Just did Interval Max for the first time


I should have known from Cathe's intro what I was in for. "NOT FOR THE WEAK, ONLY FOR ADVANCED" or something to that effect. Well this 49 year old has to get into a bathing suit on April 1st. Have been working out for 4 years with the Firm, and decided my New Year's Resolution would be challenging myself with only Cathe workouts. I've been purchasing her DVD's like crazy.....I even quit my gym because it was costing me $63.00 a month (cheap for New York City). Well this was some workout. I made it through to the end, but only used a 6" step and had to modify some of the blasts (or whatever they're called) I did enjoy it though!!!! But cannot imagine doing this one more than twice a month.
Police, ambulance and fire are on their way!

Interval Max was the first Cathe workout I ever did, and nothing humbled me like that. I couldn't finish the floor intervals the first time, and I was so livid with myself that I did it twice a week (in the evening, yet!) until I could do all of the intervals. That was back when it was only on video. Now, lo these many years later, I still do it at least once every three weeks with extended intervals, skipping the recoveries and adding in a few choice I-Max 2 blasts and the Boot Camp cardio only premix. Not bad for an old broad.

I suggest you do it at least once a week (yes, you can!) until you are able to do the intervals without modifications, and then continue to do that. I promise you, your leg power and cardio power will go right through the roof.

A beastly workout for sure!!I know, I did this one last week, never suspecting what was in store for me--I thought it was only 35 minutes long...}( Yeah right!!
Got through it, and will do it as my joints allow!!:)
I did Imax 2 this morning, love love love this workout to tell the truth I love all three :D ;-) :) Keep up the good work ;-)

Congrats and have fun on vacation. I don't own IM but I do have 2 &3 and IM2 is a classic IMO. Not sure if I want to own IM or not.

Yes, once you buy one Cathe DVD, eventually you will get the whole library full.
Annette Bethel

And you think Intermax Max, was bad....:D, have you done Imax 3. I think it is peanut butter! I was sweatin'!
Have you done IMAX 2 yet? It's a party in a box and not as tough as Interval Max. If I were you I'd keep the step at 6 inches. I never go higher than that because it kills my knees.

IMAX 3 is her toughest. I've only done it once, but was very glad my DH new CPR!
I really want to get Imax 2. The only problem is that I already have Cardio & Weights and I can't purchase Imax 2 separately......I guess I should just buy it and sell the Cardio & Weights. And yes, I will keep the step at 6"

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