calf question


Hi Cathe and educated crew! I am trying to get my calves in better shape- they are a bit flabby- I do your PLB and other workouts and try to do calf raises alot (and I know I need to give it time) but is there anything else I can do to make them thinner? any good excersizes besides what I'm doing? I don't want that big thick calf muscles I see some people have- just a toned look with the fat gone...any ideas?
Hi Cathe and educated crew! I am trying to get my calves in better shape- they are a bit flabby- I do your PLB and other workouts and try to do calf raises alot (and I know I need to give it time) but is there anything else I can do to make them thinner? any good excersizes besides what I'm doing? I don't want that big thick calf muscles I see some people have- just a toned look with the fat gone...any ideas?
Great question! I have the same problem. Running has helped make my calf a bit more defined, but even with a lot of cardio and watching my diet, my calves are still flabby enough to flap in the wind.

I'm thinking liposuction is the only way to spot reduce the fat.

Thoughts anybody?

- Shopgirl
This is the only part of my body I actually really LIKE is my calves (or from my knee to my ankle). My calves have stayed 15" and have definition and my ankles 8" around no matter how big I get in other places. I've been lifting weights since October 2002 steadily and looking at my arms your mouth would drop if I told you that I was! You would think I was joking. The exercises that make my calves BURN is the calf raises so I think if you keep up with those and do them everyday or every other, you should start to see the results. Good Luck!
I think all of the inline skating, line dancing,and
bicycling I participate in really helps shape my legs; especially my calf muscles. I do get a lot of compliments about them.

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