Calf and foot pain


So I recently began getting a sort of ache in my calf during cardio, like I had done a bunch of calf raises beforehand. It wasn't pain, so I didn't really worry about it. Well now that I've been doing more cardio, the ache turns into pain (eventually) and I don't know what it is.

Let me throw another wrench in the works. I typically workout barefoot, except for step. So I decided today that I would try wearing shoes, thinking it might help. While I was wearing shoes, not only did my calf hurt worse, then my arch started hurting too!!:( Its weird because during the day, it doesn't hurt at all, it's only when I'm working out. I keep thinking some kind of injury would ache all the time? Then again, what do i know, lol. And if I stop working out and rest for a minute or two it gets better (and then starts up again when I start moving).

So now I'm not sure if my arch is messed up and my calf is compensating for it, or if my calf is injured and it's throwing my foot off. And now I'm not sure what type of doctor to see- a podiatrist? A physical therapist? My regular family doctor? Or maybe just RICE my calf and arch and see what happens?? I'm so confused! Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!
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I would see a sports medicine doctor, but definitely have it checked. You may be overcompensating for something and it's just starting to rear it's head! Not sure. I would ease off whatever workouts aggravate it until you're checked out. Regular physicians don't understand athletes (Cathletes), but a sports medicine ortho would be more knowledgeable about what you are doing and how it's affecting you.

I hope it's nothing serious and you recover quickly!
Sounds almost like classic symptoms of plantar fasciatis (sp?). Which can be characterized by a tightenting of the tendon that runs down the calf, under the heel and arch of the foot. I have this, but mine is weird in that I only get pain in the arch of my foot. I would definitely see a doctor as this is treatable. Either a podiatrist or a sports medicine doctor as mentioned above would be great. As syzygy stated, a general practitioner might not catch an althetic injury. in the meantime ice never hurt anything!!

Shelby I thought about pf, but I thought that pain started in the heel. Hmm, now I have to reconsider!! Do I need a referral to a sports medicine doctor (for my insurance to cover it), or can I just make an appointment? Injuries suck!
Maybe your feet are not used to wearing shoes during your workout. Holy moly I couldn't imagine working out bare foot!! I would see a foot Dr. It is possible your shoes have to much of an arch support. I have seen some training shoes with a very thin sole that are almost like working out bare foot. Most importantly like Cathe always says listen to your body. If it hurts stop. I know that when my feet ache I do an ice foot bath and massage emu oil into my feet. I also take IBU. Hope you feel better. Hugs
Nicole, it depends on your insurance coverage. Mine does not. I can go see any doctor I choose without a referral, but you should call your insurer and check before scheduling an appointment.

I don't work out barefoot, but I wear Vibram Five Finger shoes for everything. I alternate between my VFFs and Brooks Green Silence, which is their minimalist shoe for running. It depends on how far I go. I love the minimalist way of working out! I'm just not brave enough to go totally barefoot yet!

Shelby I thought about pf, but I thought that pain started in the heel. Hmm, now I have to reconsider!! Do I need a referral to a sports medicine doctor (for my insurance to cover it), or can I just make an appointment? Injuries suck!
PF pain can be a tricky little bugger sometimes. Most often people feel it in the heel because the tendon stretches over it. But, in a similar way to tendonitis of the knee or elbow (tennis) elbow. It can also hurt where it connects at the end. Hence I get the pain in the bottom of my foot. Definitely call your insurer to find out what your coverage is. If you need a referral you can always go to you general practitioner to get their opinion and ask for the referral you need. My PF was originally diagnosed by a foot doc, not a GP.

Who knows, maybe you just pulled some odd little muscle you never knew you had. Hehe. :)

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