Calendar shipping?

I've seen people posting on social media that they got their calendars! I got an email of my shipping notification & it's expected by Dec. 30th! So, I should get mine before the new year, as long as my package doesn't decide to take a scenic tour up north or rest for a few days in Albuquerque as so many of my packages have been doing the past year. LOL!

Merry Christmas everyone!
I've seen people posting on social media that they got their calendars! I got an email of my shipping notification & it's expected by Dec. 30th! So, I should get mine before the new year, as long as my package doesn't decide to take a scenic tour up north or rest for a few days in Albuquerque as so many of my packages have been doing the past year. LOL!

Merry Christmas everyone!
I know what you mean about packages. I've ordered stuff from my state of FL and it was taken all the way to Buffalo, NY. It took 8 days to get. I could have driven there and back in 6 hours to get the stuff I ordered. Hope you get your package soon. Merry Christmas.
If I learn about weather issues, then the rerouting to different distribution centers makes sense.
I also know sometimes illness will wipe out personnel at a center (because my postal worker tells me) so they have to reroute to keep from overloading a center.

But it's impossible for us to know why and when this happens.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Healthy Happy New Year!! :cool:
If I learn about weather issues, then the rerouting to different distribution centers makes sense.
I also know sometimes illness will wipe out personnel at a center (because my postal worker tells me) so they have to reroute to keep from overloading a center.

But it's impossible for us to know why and when this happens.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and have a Healthy Happy New Year!! :cool:
Thank you! I never even considered things like that!
I do wonder if items are rerouted to distribution centers that have less to do with logistics to final destination, but have more to do with who can handle the backlog?
Because some of them are pretty obscure sometimes, lol!
I did get my calendar! Yay! I love it! However, one of my other packages tracked to Albuquerque, then stalled for 5 days, & now says it may be lost. For some reason, when my packages reach ABQ, they're more & more often hanging out for days before making the 90-mile trip to my city or are rerouted for a tour out of state (usually up north), or they just disappear completely. It's happening so often now it doesn't really even bother me much anymore. I'm grateful it's never something urgent, like meds or something I need asap. It seems the postal system is overwhelmed.

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