calcium supplements...anyone experience this?


I know the importance of taking calcium and each time I try to take them I start to feel really tired and then moody after I've taken them for a few days. As soon as I'd stop I'd feel fine again. I've tried so many different kinds over the years and they all do the same thing. I gave up for the last couple years and now I bought a new easily digestible brand...and I'm starting to feel this weird phenomenon again. Anyone experienced or heard of this? I have no idea why this happens. Its with straight calcium and with calcium mixed with mag or other vitamins.
I drink a cup of milk for breakfast and dinner and I also take one Extra strength TUMS with my dinner. I've never noticed any side effects with the TUMS.
I take my calcium at bedtime. Someone sometime told me that it would be like drinking warm milk in terms of relaxing,etc. So maybe try that for a while. If not, just make sure your diet is calcium rich or maybe check with your doctor at your next physical.
Does your calcium contain magnesium? I know some people experience tiredness from certain minerals they add to calcium supplements. I take my calcium before bedtime and maybe I'm imagining it, but I seem to sleep better at night when I do that. It also prevents tummy trouble, which I get if I take calcium in the morning.
I've not experienced what you are talking about. Although I've taken calcium tablets from Costco and had a grapefruit on top of that. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was going to have a heart attach. I've read a little about that combination since then, and found out, that can be fatal. Also taken with high blood pressure pills, can be fatal. So please be warned.

I now take them during the morning and early afternoon, so I can still have grapefruit before I go to bed. Just something I like to do to end my day.

Perhaps a different kind of calcium might be more digestible for your system. We need calcium for our bones, so try other products and see which ones you can take. Our educated crowd will know other brand names you might try.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I only take a calcium citrate before bed. I haven't noticed any mood changes, I sleep pretty well. I can't take calcium carbonate and go out in public. I am a gassy girl!

>I've taken calcium tablets from Costco and had a grapefruit on
>top of that. My heart was pounding so hard I thought I was
>going to have a heart attach. I've read a little about that
>combination since then, and found out, that can be fatal.

Just what combo is it that is the problem: calcium tabs in general, or a certain type? Grapefruit, or any citrus?
Hi Kathryn,

I know YIKES!:eek:

Just look in a search engine under the name "grapefruit and pills", and you'll find all kinds of health warnings.

I looked this one up for you. "How Grapefruit Juice Makes Some Pills More Powerful - New York Times"

It's amazing what the public doesn't know about this. Trust me, when I got the reaction that day, I truly thought I was going to die. It was very scary.

By the way, how are you doing lately? I've been thinking of you and wishing good thoughts your way.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.

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