C6-7 Disk injury & recovery time


I have been doing your workouts for over a year and have been so pleased with the results! However I have had an injury and am wondering about recovery time. I had a herinated disk at c6-7. The dr removed the damaged part. however it was pinching the nerve down my right arm. I only rolled over in bed & this happened. Hopefully they repaired it before I have major nerve damage in my arm! It has been a week since surgery. I am wondering if & when I get the okay to start exercising again are there certain exercises I should avoid? I used all your weight lifting dvd's and did my cardio on my eliptical machine. I know I will be starting over with very light or no weights at first!
Thanks for your advice!!
HI Kim. I had a disectomy 2 years ago. I starting walking a week after but I was told not to pick up anything over 5 pounds and not to bed over for a while. I had nerve damage in my left arm and it was very weak at first..but I kept training and it got strong again very fast. Ater I had an x-ray to make sure the disc was fusing I was given the OK to start lifting heavier weights. Mabye Cathe will have some good advice for you.
Hi Kim,
I had a laminectomy many years ago. My doctor said that I should never lift over 10 pounds. (Over time I have been able to lift a bit more than that but I'm careful) I'm not supposed to do high impact aerobics but I have been able to do this as long as I keep my core really strong. I make sure I do abs or core work daily. They told me I should stay very lean. My problem was at L5-Sl so it was a little different area and this occured over 20 years ago. My advice is to see the physical therapist and build back up carefully, making life style changes as needed. It wasn't really hard for me to give up house work like they asked me to!!
Not Cathe, however I am a hand therapist/occupational therapist for 20 yrs. I know how frustrating it is to have an injury and not be able to work out. (both personally and professionally)
It stinks to have to take time to recover, but the last thing you want to do is delay your recovery with doing too much too soon.
first I would ask your surgeon what is ok with him.tell him what you like to do, be really specific: ie: elliptical not just "cardio" I would think any cardio like walking or stationary cycle w/o arms leaning too hard. maybe ellipical without arm component. One week is pretty soon for any over-head resistance training.
Did he offer to send you to PT because they can give you some good ideas for exercises and help you maintain what you have. I would want some one has experience with the spine and sports medicine since you were fit to begin with.

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