|.|.|.|.| c/t wednesday |.|.|.|.|

this morning has been crazy - bills, 3 loads of laundry, changing addresses with various institutions, coupled with the reg kid stuff! i am wiped out and it is only 1pm. great time at the pool, though, but i feel my hormones surging again - actually screaming "i want cookies!"

klaudia, adorable dress. now i feel the need to shop!

anne, what fun to catch up with an old friend. celebrate with your dad next weekend.

robin,s orry for the hardees run in, but you had a fabulous wo!!

colleen, how nice to work from your peaceful home. hope the extra sleep helped. sorry you and dh are under the weather again.

gotta go make beds and fold lots of laundry. and kate, you totally deserve time to yourself after dinner. what a good summertime plan.
Robin, Nice WO!!! And good ofr you avoiding the gym-drama!

Nina, oooh, the cookie urge is hard to resist! You have my sympathy!

Anybody ever grill potatoes NOT in a foil packet? I'm thinking I'll have to parboil them first.... They sound so good....
hi guys -- sorry, i know i've been a bad checker-inner =( things are good just busy and DH sched seems to be changing on short notice lately which means rushing around so that he can get to a carpool (otherwise i'd be stuck without a car).

eats have been good except the ice cream i shared last night with DH and JJ at the tues night fair in town. this morning WO was the cardio/ball and band class and then walkfit. i will head back later today for combat or spin, haven't decided just yet. wt has stayed the same this week so far, def better than going up.

love you ladies, promise i will be back to "normal" checking in soon!!
wendy, so glad things are going well for you! youve handled your move w/ much more grace than i wouldve! hows ods doing?
Kate, we grill veggies all the time in a grill pan, or on kabobs.......usually marinate them or brush them with olive oil and maybe use some herbs......awesome! No need to parboil !
BEcky, I did parboil the potatoes then grill them. They were so tender & flavorful & YUM! I would think a regular raw potato would take FOREVER to grill....am I wrong?

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