Angie, great job in your class!!! How was the recital? That is a very sad story!
Lisa, great job w/the no sugar!! Hope you had a good day!
Kate, I wish I could do the 3 meals sometimes, seems like it is always time to eat at points
But I just feel so much better and don’t get cravings when I eat more times in the day! Yea for your chest doms!
Becky, good job on avoiding the pizza! I have never met a pizza I didn't like
Klaudia, glad the dr. saw nothing wrong!!
Nina, me too w/the 3 meals! Then I end up getting so hungry I eat too much!! Hope the boys got better for you as the day went on!
Katie, I am still keeping him in my prayers!!
The day has flown by!! Thanks for your comments about the dance situation-I hope it doesn’t affect them too! As of now it’s not much better, and likely worse, because it seems the teacher is now gone. Eating has been good for the last 2 days after the not so good weekend! Still feeling inner thigh doms from yesterday's w/o! Hope everyone has a good night!