~()~()~C&T - TGIF~()~()~()


Morning girls,

Quick start - reading and such with girls. Today's WO needs to be HSTA - I'll get to it later. Stayed in bed and chatted with Ry this morning.

Morning Angie! Staying in bed sounds heavenly!

Any plans for the weekend?

Sorry I was mostly MIA yesterday - my mom was coming into town which made things a bit nuts. But all is well and I had a much less stressful day and eats were totally clean and I am proud! I will have another 100% day today as well, I MUST! That number on the scale was SCARY!

As for my weekend... Work today (yay), not sure about this evening (plus I have no dinner planned), I think tomorrow will be shopping and maybe going to a swim meet to see one of my coworker's children compete - I think Collin will do swim team next summer, so I want him to see it.

Speaking of Collin, thanks for the advice about the daycare/preschool dilemma. I think I got some really good advice from you all and all others and I need to just chill out. I am going to take him this weekend to get some workbooks so we can do some stuff at home, and I talked to his teacher yesterday about keeping me informed on what we can work on at home.

Anne, I am so excited for you and the offer you are putting on the condo!
Nina, any word on an offer yet?
Kate, ^5 on the 'kid size' ice cream!
Oh dear, I can't remember anything else I read yesterday..........:confused:
Katie - Yay for less stress and clean eats!
Angie - Enjoy your morning with Ryan!

I'm off to bed in a bit. Been on this laptop for the last couple hrs. My eyes are going crazy. It was so muggy and humid yesterday that I was sweating from just being outside. Crazy! See you all in a bit!

Just finished my wo. HSTA - it was a good one for today. It's pretty low key on the cardio output and a little more focus on muscle but moves fast enough that I'm not annoyed with it. I still laugh at Cathe's older idea of "advanced."

Katie, I want to HIGHLY recommend a couple of preschool options for home. One is Hooked on Phonics - I've mentioned this before but my kids LOVE it! They are revamping the whole thing and now want you to buy k-2 all together (pricey) but you can still get the old version on amazon for a while individually which is much less. If Collin knows letter names and sounds then start with the K level, if he doesn't, start with the pre-k level. Seriously 20 min a day is good! Annabel's reading skills have taken off! (She'll be 5 in November). The other thing that has been really good is Explode the Code: http://www.thebutterflyrainbow.com/ps-code.html - you can get them a variety of places. But starting with Get Ready, Get Set, Go for the Code is really helpful in learning to sound out letters and write them. Anyway, these have worked SUPER well for us and I can't say enough good things about them.

Lisa, sleep tight!

Ok, going to take the girls out for lunch "downtown" - be back later. After today, I'm going to take the next few weeks off from the boards and just focus on family vacations and visitors coming in. My check-ins next week won't happen since we won't have internet and then the following weeks may be sporadic since we'll have guests and be traveling. Probably won't be regular again until September. :) But I'll be pushing it and eating clean... that cruise is coming up!!!

Have a great day all!!!
good morning!

angie, you will be missed. is hsta the one with cathe in a long pony tail?

hi katie - you sound pretty upbeat! enjoy your bvisit with your mom. and have fun shopping. what are you looking to get?

good night lisa. i miss my lapptop, my hi speed.... sigh.

well, i read all of yesterday but cannot rememebr:eek:. realator coming at 10:30 to go over a terribly offer, so he says. i am hoping it is not too bad. i have SO MUCH to do today, there is no way i can get it done. i will just chip away, though. eats have been squeaky all week and i feel really good. i wish the number on the scale was moving more, but i wonder if stress is contributing? i had a fantastic long run this am and i was sooo sore from b and g. hope to do some general ub later - pulls and chins and pushups. i am going to really miss weights next week. oh i cannot wait to get settled. bbiab
Happy Friday!

Got my run/walk with Danica in last night-2.33 miles:) Eats were good-had a few treats-tootsie pop and a granola bar, but otherwise pretty clean. Today is lower body-probably ME lower body premix and abs. We're supposed to go out to a bar/restaurant to meet up with some high school friends tonight but it doesn't look too promising-not many confirmations. We'll see-maybe we'll still take the girls to my parents and go out alone:)

Angie, nice job on the workout! And thanks for the reading recs-I'll have to check them out for Milla and Nevena. We'll miss you around here! Enjoy your time with family and friends-we'll be waiting to here all about it later!

Katie, have fun with your mom! Great job on the clean eats, too:) Glad to hear you've figured out a plan for Collin.

Lisa, it was humid here too yesterday-but not very warm:( We'll get summer-when the kids go back to school!:(

Nina, deep breaths! It'll all get done-it always does, right? Great job on the run! Hope the offer is respectable-let us know.

Need my coffee:)
I got up this morning and did GS chest and triceps. I had a great chest day but my triceps were a weak mess today. I was failing early on sets and had to drop my weights. Weird. I hate it when that happens. I'd like to do some cardio- was going to add it on but Max woke up early. I'll try to get a short jog in today. I'm feeling a run, believe it or not! :p

Nina: Oh good luck on that offer! And you're right, it will all get done, one bit at a time. I'm happy for you on the clean eats- it helps to not have that food doom cloud over your head, no?

Angie: We'll miss you but I get why you need the break. I like HSTA, it moves fast.

Katie: Aww, glad you enjoyed your mom visit. I hate it when my scale gets scary numbers on it! Sometimes nothing else gets my attention, though.

Kate: Proud of you on the kid sized ice cream- I have trouble with that when we go to CS. I usually want not just the like it, but the LOOOOVE it size. That's bad!

Anne: Tell us more about the condo!

Hi Lisa, hope you're getting some good zzzzzzzs.
Klaudia: I vote for a private date for just the two of you but I'm a hermit! :D Have fun either way. I love Tootsie Pops- I usually take one when we go see a movie. And um, oy on lower body premix from ME- did that a few weeks ago and OMW on the leg presses. :)

angie, we'll miss you, but HAVE A BLAST!!!!
katie, enjoy your time w/ mom!
nina, hope the offer isnt too offensive
klaudia, hope you have fun tonight - whatever you end up doing!
patti, grrr to a wierd wo...hate when that happens!

can I just say Bob Evans banana bread is so good!!!!???? I don't even want to know how bad it was for me!

getting J to nap then I'll do as much of HiLo Med Ball as time allows!

m's meeting a friend for lunch so dds and i are lunching/shopping
sunny todaytoo - maybe i'll finally get some color!!!!
Lots to do today at work. I found out late yesterday that our performance appraisals are due today. My boss forgot to tell us. Then I must finish that training module or I will have to do it over the weekend to get caught up. I have some meetings in the morning and then I should have time this afternoon to catch up. I did KBX for my workout this morning.

Kate, I am jealous of any color you get today. I never tan.
Angie, we will miss you! Enjoy your vacation and your family visit. I start insanity on Monday - wish me luck.
Nina, I hope the offer is not as bad as the realtor thinks. I guess something is better than an extra mortgage payment.
Klaudia, have fun on your date night tonight. Sometimes a small group can be a lot of fun too.
Patti, sorry about the weird workout. I hate it when I have off days.
Morning, glories!

Kate, have fun today! Don't worry about the bbread, it was delicious, right?

Patti, sorry for the rough work out. Some days are better than others, aren't they?

Klaudia, I vote for date night. It'll be good for you!

Nina, good luck with the offer!

Angie, great work out. Enjoy all your travels and visitors! We'll miss you, but we'll be here when you get back.

Lisa, I'm trying to figure out what time it is for you, I hope you're sleeping. It's about 9:30 EDT, is that 12:30 AM for you? If you have Thai food this weekend, think of me.

Katie, have fun with your mom and a great weekend!

Hi to Colleen, Kath, Robin, and Amanda!

So, the condo is beautiful. The wife of the current owners is an interior decorator and it shows. The kitchen is huge with an eat-in area and there is also a formal dining room. There's a beautiful deck, 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The basement is partially finished with built-in bookshelves and cupboards. It's just really, really nice and it's obviously been meticulously maintained. Kate, it's in your County, near St. Joe and Creyts. My realtor says that area holds its value, so resale should not be a problem. It's close to a lot of stuff too. I'd rather be on the east side of things (read EL, Kate), but the only places I can afford there are either too small or gross. I'd rather have beautiful space and be farther away from friends than have gross space and be close.

And Jim and I are getting along fine, better than ever really. I think he's just relieved to have made a decision. Onward and upward, right?

Okay, work calls, I'll bbiab.

c, sounds like a busy day @ work today!!!

anne, that place sounds lovely! what sub division is it? did you make an offr?

grrr.... 12 min of my wo. oh well.... off to swim! i'll do some walking lunges in the pool holding my heavy weight,,,,i mean julia!:p:p
Anne, that place sounds awesome! I agree-loving where you live is very important. I say go for it!

Patti, funny, leg presses are one exercise I don't really mind:) Maybe I'm doing them wrong? Sorry for the crummy workout. We've all been there!

Kate, hope J cooperates and you get your workout in! Don't sweat the banana bread-potassium, right?;)
getting lots done! my interent sucks:( awesome ub workout, though.

klaud, i second date night. i love just being with dh alon. or1 other couple.

patti, sorry for the rough wo. i ama hermit too:)

kate, lol at your heavy weight! don't sweat the bb - you are doing awesome!

colleen, sorry for the work stress, and ita on the low offer vs extra motrgage payment.

anne, your condo sounds lovely. will the area grow on you? i am glad you and jim are getting along, but i am sorry for the circumstances. what is on tap for the weekend?

better get back to buisness!
Ah, I just did my first Cardio Coach outside! How fun- I've only done it on the elliptical so it was a new thing for me to run. I just did #1 since the rotation said a 20 minute brisk walk. Anyway, that is the perfect amount of running for me- I'm a happy girl. Made up for my triceps issue this morning.

Klaudia: LOL at you doing them wrong. I doubt it, you're just a strong chick! :eek: Funny you say that though, since I've been focusing on form with mine lately. :)

Kate: LOL at your heavy weight. I think your pc this vacation has been awesome! I wouldn't even think twice about the banana bread.

Morris: Ugh on packing. If you lived nearby, I would come help and bring my kids. Wait, that wouldn't be help! :p At least they could all entertain each other.

Anne: YAY for a beautiful new condo- it sounds incredible. I can't wait to see pics. Glad you and Jim are getting along OK.

Gotta go get cleaned up. BBL!
kl, not only potassium from bananas but protein from the walnuts!;)

nina, will you take the offer?

patti, ive done cc outside once - i prefer music outside and cc on the ellip.

jeez, julia is on a wierd schedule today.:confused::confused::confused:
Hey girls,

Crazy dinner. I made random stuff in the fridge and nobody wanted to eat so I ate weird pasta that Ryan drowned in butter but didn't like so now I feel sick to my stomach and just want to run it off... oh well. I need to get over this idea that I have to eat stuff so it doesn't get thrown out. Plus, I need to stop buying bad food... that would prob solve that problem.

Anne, I'm so glad you found something that is a possibility. I hope it works out. Post pics? I'm glad things are smooth with Jim. Will you guys file for divorce right away or wait it out? Do you think you'll still be friends?

Nina, was the offer insulting? What's the word?

Kate, sorry J is on a weird sched. I LOVE banana bread.

Katie, how are you today???

Robin, how's the job treating you?

Colleen, I can't wait to hear your thoughts on insanity. I'll get mine in 2 weeks.

Patti, glad you enjoyed your CC run!

Klaudia, I love leg presses - I always feel like I should up my weight from what Cathe is using. My hr gets up though so it's good. Maybe it's just reminiscent of my firm days.

So all of you STSers, I was watching some of the video clips today - I don't think there is any way I could pull it off while we live here - I don't have the equip. So now I'm worrying about STS cardio b/c I don't have more than 4 risers and I saw the HIIT pics of the box jumps... If I buy more risers from cathe.com, it will cost me $236 to ship here!!! GEEZ! So annoying. The ab dvd looks good though - I wanna try that. Plus, I also don't have a barbell... ugh. SO many purchases I will need to make when we get back to america. Sometimes I'm so annoyed with France.

Quiet night around here. Hoping for a quiet weekend...
Thanks Klaudia! We have a decathalon in town and they don't carry risers and neither does go sport. I tried to call that sport usa place and the number didn't work... maybe we'll just have to drive there! :) be easier than paying the $$$!
OMW, my cable modem died, so I had to come into the OFFICE on a FRIDAY. It's totally messed up my day. I was going to get some laundry done, cook myself dinner, blah, blah, blah. Oh, well.

I PM'ed you guys the listing for the condo. If I missed anybody, let me know.

I'm going to listen to music in downtown EL this evening with a girlfriend of mine. I'm looking forward to it, she and I usually have lunch so we never get to spend as much time as I would like together. It will be fun to hang out with her. I'll bb for personals.


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