GOOD LUCK Angie !!!! You WILL get on that flight !! Think positive
Kate, I am CRACKING UP here !!!!!!!!

You do NOT suck !
OMG I used to eat off my kids plates ALL the time !!
Apparently I felt we shouldn't waste 30 cents worth of food either !

and it was always the cereal getting soggy thing with me too !!!! Oh and any other "scraps" they were throwing away.
He loves you just the way you are ! You should too !
The butt comment reminds me of one time when we went out to dinner. I still don't know why he said it but right in front of everyone who sat at the table (MIL, her male friend, all the kids......) he announced that I had BUNS OF STEEL!!!

I appreciated the compliment, but did he need to share that right there and then ???

Anyway....thanks for the laugh. Give yourself a break. Every picture I've seen of you, you look fantastic. Fit and healthy and in shape !