Hey girls,
I miss checking in here and feel like I am missing so much fun! We've just been so busy.
After I took the girls to their bday party, I wanted so badly to take a nap and just veg. BUT, I did B&G sb abs and AS and it felt great! I'm so glad I did it and don't have to make up for it later.
Kate, your day sounds wonderful with taking the girls out to bfast. Sorry about feeling ugh afterward!

The recipe looks amazing.
Katie, can't believe Collin is 5. His pics on FB were so cute. Did you test again today? I'm sorry the process isn't going as smoothly for you as possible. It's such a hurry up and wait kind of thing. We're here for you! MUAH!
Becky, yes, I know you can sympathize about loss of sleep. Hope your weather warms up for you soon. Ours got beautiful but is supposed to be cold again next week!
Wendy, sorry about the driving incidents. I would be a wreck driving in the city. I sweat like nobody's business when I'm in nerve-wracking driving situations. I thought of you today b/c I whacked the heck out of my elbow on the door and it hurts sooooo bad... stupid clumsy me.
Nina, I can totally relate to your weight issues (I fluctuate between the same numbers and it makes a big diff to have those extra 4-5#). Anyway, do you think you could be under eating and putting your body in starvation mode? Are you hungry a lot? You seriously burn a ton of cals and think of how much athletes eat to keep up! Glad you're having fun with your friend.
Klaudia, I can't believe you did AS with 2 risers. I was thinking of you the whole time going "NO WAY!" - there is so much jumping, it's ridiculous.
Robin, we've missed you around here. Sorry for your cable woes. I would be so annoyed at a 2 hour delay for 1/2 inch of snow!
Colleen, so annoying that your stove didn't get fixed y'day. Sorry about your back pain. I think CCC is hard on my back... I prob would have done kb!
Anne, all your talk of TCB is so fun! Does he have a real name or are you going to keep it to yourself. TCB is actually kind of fun. What does he do? Hope you had a fun lunch with your friend.
Clintoya, sounds like you're busy lately too. Where do you work? I think I've missed that all along.
OK, time to spend some time with my sweet husband. He brought home a bottle of wine... you know what that means, right?

See y'all tomorrow!