<---sneaks up on all of the Catheites who are still asleep...
<---takes a deep breath...
<---screams as loud as she can....BOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!
<---falls on the floor laughing as everyone in Catheland hits the ceiling!}( }(
<---is up early this morning! (6am)
<---already has a load of clothes in the wash.
<---is chugging 1st cup of coffee.
<---will shut up now.
<---just changed the title of this thread to something more Halloween appropriate.
<---takes a deep breath...
<---screams as loud as she can....BOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!
<---falls on the floor laughing as everyone in Catheland hits the ceiling!}( }(
<---is up early this morning! (6am)
<---already has a load of clothes in the wash.
<---is chugging 1st cup of coffee.
<---will shut up now.
<---just changed the title of this thread to something more Halloween appropriate.