Butts & Guts for Beginners


I just received Butts & Guts yesterday, and I will start incorporating it into my rotation next week. However, I have never done it [obviously], and I am a little scared after reading some posts on here about that DVD.

My question is this -- is there a certain premix that is better to begin with? Also, I would like an overall legs, glutes, core workout. What would you all suggest?

I just don't want to be sore for days. I think someone wrote that they were so sore they couldn't even sit on the potty -- yikes!

The Standing Glutes & Abs timesaver is a good one to start with or you could try the Floorwork and Abs premix.

The tough premix we've been talking about is the Leg Blast. It's tough because it repeats a lot of the same segments, thus working those areas particularly hard.

You could also do the workout without any weights to start. Then, add weights as you increase your fitness level.

There are alot of exercises in the workout that don't use weight too.
You may need to do as much as you can and then pause to rest...no harm in that for sure! :)

Also, if you are concerned about getting sore, make sure you do the stretch at the end.

Good luck, Lynn M.
I'm in the wienie category so I usually just do the standing section (around 30 min.) and then do the floorwork later in the day. The standing part is easier than the leg blast premix and has wonderful variety in it. (example: the regular workout doesn't have any leg presses, but multiple sets are included in the leg blast premix.)
Have fun!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
there are no weinies! You are so funny! Anyway, I would just start with light or no weight and gradually build up. You don't have to complete all of the exercises or the reps at once. The first time I did it, I used my normal weights from GS Legs and I regretted it (I was one of the people who couldn't sit on the potty)(LOL):7 Also, like Jonahnah mentioned, try doing the floor work one day and the standing work another day (or at separate times during the day if you want)>
Holy moly!!, I did B&G for the first time yesterday. I just tried the complete workout and have not even checked out the premix part.

I guess I did about 75% of it and boy was it tough. Was not sore at all last night and not bad this morning either. By 4pm I was really feeling it and by 10pm I am moaning and groaning every time I get up or sit down. My butt cheeks are really feeling it and I have been doing Jari Love's ripped workouts so its not like I have not been doing any lunges or squats.
I am a weinie also! I have a confession to make - and you guys are my "priests" - I ordered B&G 4 weeks ago, and I haven't done it yet! My "B&G" anxiety is so high all I've done is sat on the couch and watched it (not a very good workout!).

Anyway, I am here to testify that I WILL GET OVER THIS and do it! Thank you to those who advised about which premix to try first. I am now planning on this Wednesday (I am out of town right now so can procrastinate until I get home from this trip).

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
Ann- You AREN't a weinie!!! I love your signature line quote & thought it would be good to "use" on you in this instance... aim for nothing & you'll hit it every time- that isn't what you want so why not aim for at least doing 1/2 of B&G & see how that goes, if you make it through & feel good then continue on but if not just try to add an extra 10 min each time you do it & eventually you will get it!

The Leg Blast Premix by far is the most challenging however for my body type the original mix is better for me as I tend to gain muscle easy so the hammer punches/side hammer punches/deadlifts/one leg squat are better for me than tons of leg presses.

Let us know how it goes once you are back in town!!! :)
Thank you all! I received B & G while I was pregnant and haven't done it yet. Now that the little one is 3 months old and my workouts are becoming consistant, I've wanted to try this one out (after a baby the butt and gutt definately need some work) but have been a little scared. I'll just start slowly and work my way up. Between running, whole body strength training, and now B & G, my body may once again be my own.
I really appreciated your message - it's so encouraging! I will definitely re-post after my initial B&G workout!

I also am wondering - where do B&G enthusiasts put it in a rotation? Do you sub it in for a lower body weights workout (e.g. one day do pyramid upper body, next day B&G)? or ?????

It looks tough to the point where it might fit in as a lower body strength routine, but I'm not sure. Part of my hesitation to do it is this, I'm not sure where to fit it in.

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
Ok this beginner just did B&G for the first time - and based on the wonderful advice here I did the standing legs and glutes timesaver, with no weights. I was able to "do" most of it that way (not all, and not with great form, but I hung in there anyway) and had to stop and stretch at one point when I felt some muscles protesting in my hips and butt but I had a BLAST! I love the music - and now I know I can do this video if I keep at it! I have been doing Jari Love's slim and lean for a while, so I thought I had some experience with lunges, squats etc., but I found this video is significantly tougher.

I am expecting some serious DBDOMS tomorrow :) I can tell this workout WILL make a difference in my lower body.

Thank you all for the tips and encouragement! I can now say "try it, you'll like it" !!! I LOVE the firewalkers, tough and fun.

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!

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