Butts and Guts?


Hello all. it's that time again when i need to make the difficult decision of what to do next.

i've decided on butts and guts. who's done it? how'd you like it? good results???

i'm guessing it must be a popular one, since one of the new dvd's bares the same name...

lemme know what u all think! :)

Hi Sass. Butts and Guts is an awesome rotation with great results IMHO. I've done it and loved it. I was actually considering doing it again after I see what Cathe posts for July!

Let me know if you decide to do it!


thanks for the reply Kali. good to know you've got good results. actually i've started it, (but man, i just couldn't finish the arms in Body Max yesterday. it was low energy day and it wore me out!) anyway, i'm so tempted to abandon it and do fitnessfreak's circuit rotation, cuz it looks so cool and just happens to include some of the new dvd's i just got and have yet to try...

but in all honesty, i really wanna focus on butt and abs. just wanted to hear other's opinions of it...

i've lost a large amount of weight after DS was born 7 mos ago, (over 70 lbs.) and i have a little loose skin on my lower abdomen. not an insane amount, but enough for me to wonder whether it will improve as my core hardens. still have some tummy flab, but no where NEAR as much. i've dropped from a size 16-18 to a size 9-10. i'm 5'10" so i carried my weight fairly well, but still I know what things were like in my birthday suit and it wasn't pretty. LOL. anyway, it's a truly amazing feeling. i'm 38 today and have never been this small or this healthy.

anyway, thanks again for the reply... butts and gutts it is! :) maybe i'll try the circuit rotation next month...


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