butts and guts or gym style legs

Robbie Dru

Active Member
I just received both of these are you suppose to do both of them in the same week? Are they like the same videos? Any advice would be helpful thanks? Can I do one every other day?
Yes, I think you could do them both in the same week. I personally would put at least two days of something else in between, though...
>I just received both of these are you suppose to do both of
>them in the same week? Are they like the same videos? Any
>advice would be helpful thanks? Can I do one every other

Most definitely in the same week but like Katie said, put a couple of days in between. I think Cathe mentions that somewhere in the introduction (I could be wrong here) she mentions doing the workout once but no more than twice per week as well. Honestly unless you have a lot of time I'd save the B&G for the weekend because it's quite long and if you're like me you'll be hitting the old pause button throughout the w/o because it burns so much.

Cathe's August '07 rotation "Lower Body Solution" called for 2 lower body workouts each week and one of them was always a B&G premix. For the second LB workout, she specified GS Legs, Leaner Legs, PLB or L&G. It was a fantastic rotation--very effective and LB changes were quick. You might check it out for some ideas. I have to warn you though, premixes 2 & 3 on B&G are harder than the actual workout, at least IMO. BTW, I also LOVE GS legs! Both B&G and GS Legs are on my "desert island" list. You'll love what these workouts do for your lower half. Have fun and good luck!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks going to try it Monday, I did a jump rope video yesterday and can barely walk now, tomorrow will probably be worse. And I have tons of yard work to do the next couple of days. I can barely lift my arms from the chest and triceps video. I doubt I will have fun but I can sure use the good luck....... Thanks again. OH and also I am having a hard time finding 6 ft bands. I watched the dvds and there's are much longer than mine. I have checked every place around here. Any advice....
I get mine from advancedworkouts.com but I am in Australia so others in the US may be able to help you with other places over there. If I purchase from Australia I buy a roll and then cut to the lengths I want. The rolls are available from sports stores here.

I bought 2 packs of 4' ones from Sports Authority. Each pack has 3 bands, each with a different level of resistance (yellow=easiest, red=medium, blue=hardest). I knotted 2 matching bands together so I have an 8' yellow band, an 8' red band and an 8' blue one. IMO, Cathe's green one falls between the yellow and the red in terms of tension. I typically use my red one for LB and back work and I fry. I use the yellow one for other UB work because I'm not very strong--yet}(. HTH.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

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