Butts abd futs vs gym style legs


I have gym style legs and love the DVD. But I was wondering what the diff is between B&G and gym style ? They both look like endurance workouts.
Hi, I don't have gym styles, but I do have B&G. I think the magic with that one is in the premixes. This will be my 4th time doing the workout, and each time it has been a completely different workout. I am using much heavier weights than what is shown on the video, for the most part. If you do that, I think you get a balance of endurance and strength as some of the exercises are very high rep. There is some plyo in there too. With all of the bonuses and premixes, I think B&G is a great purchase.
I love both workouts, but I definitely use heavier weights in Gym Style Legs than in Butts and Guts (Cathe and crew do too). GSL has some toning work in it, but I feel like it is more of a strength building workout than endurance. Also, GSL is slightly shorter and does NOT include core work (whereas B&G has two different ab segments).

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