Buts and Guts


I like cardio. Does this DVD have a cardio feel to it? I read lots of "I am sore sore I can hardly walk" but how much does it get your heart pumping? Will I have to run then do the strengthening parts this offers? thanks much! ;-)
This is a strength routine for the lower body. Your heart rate might rise on a few of the exercises, but it is not a cardiovascular workout.
There are several exercises in B&G that get my heartrate up- the leg presses, walking lunges, and the forward and side hammer punch lunges. Although it's not a cardio workout, IMO, it does have more of that feel than some of the other leg workouts. One reason may be the use of lighter weights.

Try the Leg Blast premix and I guarantee that you will get cardio benefits!! I sweat my butt off on this one.
There's 30 min standing and 35 min floor/abs (and of course all the premixes- someone mentioned legs, anyone else try any others?). The standing gets your heart rate up with a couple moves- hammer punch lunges come to mind, but I wouldn't say it's consistently high for the 30 min. The floor work is what you'd expect it to be, not cardio at all. If you're determined to have cardio, then yes, I guess you'd have to run first. But I think a person would have to be crazy to run first followed by a 77 min strength training workout. }(

Maybe you could do one section or the other after a run, that'd be a little more practical time-wise. But bottom line (pun intended :p ) it's an awesome workout. Works your butt like none other and it's fun to boot. I looooove my Butts & Guts. Best $26 ever spent.
I think you can get cardio effects from the standing portion of this workout. Many of the movements do get your heartrate up, and you can always march or run in place between exercises if you feel it is dropping.
Thanks, I know my heart is pumping after some weight training moves, but I still crave that cardio :) I am not able to use the step any more. I got addicted to Body Max 2 and did it almost daily for like a month and then my knees hurt afterwards. Even if I do a minor step portion the next day I get that feeling in my knees but if I run for 4 miles my knees are fine... go figure.
I think it is a great workout because you are using your large muscles and they get your heartrate up there in addition to working legs with your bodyweight.

By the end I am always exhausted.:p
IMO, just because a workout gets your heart pumping, it doesn't mean it has a cardiovascular effect in the sense of being an aerobic workout. The kind of heart pump one would get from B&G is anaerobic (not able to be sustained for extended periods of time), so it is not a 'cardiovascular' workout.
The moves are tough and I find switching so quickly from move to move gets me winded to the point where I have to keep pushing the PAUSE button to catch my breath (and get some water). It's not a cardio workout but you're not imagining the cardio effect. I credit B&G with making me realize I need to do A LOT more cardio work if I ever want to stop hitting PAUSE.

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