But I Know This Can't be a Dream Cause There Are No Boy Dancers


Here's to Rue! This world won't be the same without you!

What's your favorite Blanche Deveraux line/moment?

:) Jonezie, lover of all things Golden Girl
I'll miss Rue. :( I loved her in everything. And she was such an inspiration with the way she dealt with her past health troubles.
I was sad when I saw that. I used to love the Golden Girls. Still catch the occasional rerun. I think Betty White is the only one left, right?

So sad. I grew up watching the Golden Girls on Saturday Nights my mom. What a funny, witty, talented group of ladies. I don't remember any one liners from Blanch off the top of my head, but I loved her Southern Belle accent and I remember that Blanche's wedding dress (to her first husband) was bright red--she didn't qualify for white. LOL!
My name is Blanche Devereaux. That's French for...Blanche Devereaux.:)

I love the Golden Girls-my cousin and I used to joke about which ones we'd be when we got old-I was Dorothy;)

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