Burpee or Squat-Thrust


So, about a month ago, some friends of mine were suggesting that I join them on this "Burpee Challenge" - On Day 1 you do 1 Burpee and increase daily till you get to Day 100 when you do 100 Burpees. They don't have to be all in a row, but you must complete them in a day.

My response to them - "What the heck is a burpee?" They explained it to me and my response to that was, "Oh! You mean a good ol' squat thrust!" (adding the "good 'ol" in honor of cathe)

And now LIS has arrived - and now I hear Cathe use the term "Burpee!"

Am I crazy or did the terminology change on that?

I just thought that was interesting.

I think a burpee is a squat-thrust with a jump at the end. Cathletes, please correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes, 'burpees' just snuck up on us! I've never heard of them either. They seem very much like squat thrusts to me as well.


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