Bun & Thigh Rocker



Can someone who has this machine and has ordered extra resistance bands tell me where they got them? I have looked on his website, but I can't find it.


p.s. Would anyone have an instruction manual they'd be willing to scan and email to me? I'm buying one that doesn't have the instruction manual, and would love to see all the exercises you can do with it. Another option is to fax it to me, but I think I'm probably long distance to everyone (Canada). I'd be willing to paypal you the ld charges if you were willing.

Thanks again!
Here you go Punky3333

Customer service information:

Bun & Thigh Rocker
P.O. Box 4525
Pacoima, CA 91333


extra 25 lb bands are $9 plus $3 shipping for each band
extra 10 lb bands are $7 plus shipping ($3 per band)
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker

Thanks Juliana,

They are $9 each right? And I assume you always have to buy in pairs? That's better than the other place they referred me to - they were charging $29.95 for a pair, plus $10 shipping (to Canada).

I'll check it out!
Thanks Kathy. In the end I decided not to buy it. I was looking at a cheap one on Ebay, but the reason it was cheap was it was missing most of the resistance bands. Turns out it would cost as much to replace them as to buy it new, so if I succumb I'll get a new one with the instruction manuals and everything.

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