Bun & Thigh Rocker Question



After reading all the raves on this site about the BNTR I am considering finding one. Are you still using yours and seeing good results?

Thanks for any info on this one. I hold you guys responsible if I do purchase one.

I think I was the first to rave about it - I still use mine after I got it in, I think, June, still love it. I have given away most of me pants to my daughter-in-law cause they got too big. I AM HAPPY WITH THAT!

I use tapes still, but in conjunction with the B&TR. I have not gone back to free weights for legs.

PLEASE keep in mind, ladies, that I have problem legs that are VERY hard to shape up, and free weights just did not do it for me.

Just Do It! :)
>Been stirring up trouble lately? :p >

Oh Robin, you most certainly have me mixed up with someone else! Perhaps......yourself?

I know there are a few of you that have the BNTR. I am really interested to hear about your experience with it.

Thanks Robin, for bumping this to the top. Seems a newbies' question can get lost in the shuffle.

RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Honeybunch, I have a question. What do you mean by 'hard to shape up'? I'm an apple, so my legs are on the thin side. I need to build muscle and shape. I'm wondering if the BNTR is really for me then. If you are the type that easily builds muscle in her legs (what's viewed as bulking perhaps?), then is *that* why the BNTR is best for you? Does it NOT build, but simply shapes and tones??? I gotta know!

Hedygs, PUHLEEZE! Me? Cause trouble? NEVAH! :D
Thanks for the reply. I am a pear (yuck) so I am assuming that this would help me lean down my lower body. Right?

Robin, no one is falling for this feigned innocence routine. We all know your middle name is spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

bumping in hopes Honeybunch will give her opinion. Does the Bun and Thigh Rocker build muscles in the legs or simply tone. My quads cannot afford to be any bigger!
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

I tried to reply this morning but the forum went down! Anytime I see BTR I have to chime in cause I highly recommend it! You won't be sorry buying this---you will see results! I had mine for 2 years! I love it and create alot of mini workouts to do on it-You can use it alone, as an add on or along with lowerbody tapes-- when it comes to squats,plies,calf raises etc just jump on the BTR! You can create your own lower body pyramid workout too for building legs up by keeping 3 sets of dumbells handy ranging from manageable to challenging weight and do a set of 16 reps,12, and 10's then back up to 12 ,16 reps going from lighter to heavier then come back down the pyramid--or you can do Freestyle training of higher reps with low weights to trim and tone the lowerbody--it depends on what your specific goals are to determine how you will train your lowerbody on this--You could simply just rock with 3 sets of 12 and position your feet accordingly to work inner and outter thighs , do calf raises and leg extensions to finish out your leg routine! You will have proper form every time and that's what will get you the "results"! I recommend this for every woman who wants to keep their lowerbody in shape! This is safe and effective! "Go for it"!
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

I have always had large legs with excessive, what I call, "Leg Mush." Lots of cellulite, mushy inner thighs, etc. The B&TR has certainly NOT made my legs bigger, but has tightened them up.

I have been on a quest since 1997 to use weight training for my legs -back then I was watching Body Shaping and Cory Everson on ESPN and went on a mission to get my legs as toned up as my upper body. They B&TR has given me the best results. Back then I was a size 10, (weight was about the same as it is now) and now I am giving away the vast majority of my 6's.

I find that my leg workout times are much shorter now with my new toy. It's worth it's weight in gold to me for what it's done.
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
HB and Francine!

Hey lovely leg ladies, please help out your dense friend here.

I have the B&TR and love it, and I keep reading how you two "do tapes" on it. I don't understand what you mean, exactly. Can you clue me in on how to do this? I would love to rely more on the B&TR because heavy leg barbell/dumbbell work makes my knees hurt and the gadget doesn't. I'd also love, frankly, to spend less time but more productive time on my legs -- I love upper body work and love cardio but dread my leg days because my knees are so temperamental.

Any specific ideas would be just fabulous -- thank you so much!!!

Kathy S.
RE: HB and Francine!

Hi KathyS an example would be if you are doing Powercircuit don't use your barbell for leg work instead go to your BTR and do your squats and plies and calf raises on that! Using any lowerbody tape will work that includes those exercises! You could always alternate days with barbell one workout and BTR the next or whatever works for you!( If you work your legs 3x a week you could go heavy Mon and Fri and BTR on Wed with just resistance bands or use dumbells for a more comfortable leg workout--well for you knees haha) Hope this was helpful! www.picturetrail.com/francigirl
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hi Lisa! You can check out ####ssporting goods,Modells Sporting goods,Bjs(check www.bjswholesale.com and call a store near you ) Also ebay has them--good luck and welcome to the cathe gang!
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

I have a Bun & Thigh Rocker and I can say it will definitely NOT make your legs bigger. I too have large thunder thighs and when I was rocking away on my BTR on a CONSTANT basis my legs slimmed down nicely. So I would say to all you ladies looking to get nice TONED legs the BTR is definitely for you. Those that are looking to BULK their legs you probably want to stick with either weight lifting with Cathe or the leg machines at the gym.
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hi Francine,
I saw your picture trail for the first time just now. Holy cow girl, you are drop dead gorgeous. You have really worked hard.
Congratulations! (Your doggie is cute too).
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question


To those of you seeing reducing results with the B&TR... how often are you using it? for how long each session? Heavy or light resistance? Fast or slow reps? Any other related advice on how you are using it?

RE: HB and Francine!

We'll pretend we're doing Leaner Legs on the B&TR.

When Cathe does squats & sit & stands, I follow along on the B&TR using the Power Arc leg position. I match her rep for rep, and her speed, too.

When she does the quarter dead lifts and calf raises, I do the foot position that works the hamstrings, the "modified Power Arc," and the calf raise position. I do only three sets of these, not as many as Cathe does.

When she does plies, I follow along with the "Power Plie" position.

When she does lunges, I do the "Slalom Power Arc."

When she does step ups and one foot lunges, I do the Francine's One foot move, where you keep one foot in the middle of the platform. This is REALLY tough.

This, for me, seems to be the magic combination - Cathe tapes & the B&TR at the same time.

Did I explain it well enough?

With my second leg workout for the week I do Power Circuit or Circuit Max with the B&TR.

Just Do It! :)
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

I tack my Bun & Thigh Rocker work on after a leg workout. I do 3 sets of 25 for each move and there are only 4 moves. It usually takes me 30 to 45 mins to finish as I put a full minute of rest between each set, and I rock really slow so I feel the burn on each rep that I do. As for resistance I usually use moderate to heavy depending on what challenges me. Although, I need to order another set of 25lbs resistance bands as the weight I have is starting to feel light. Hope this helps.
I don't have one but would love to see a picture of one as I do not know what they are. I wonder if they would help those lumps that want to form on the outside of my thighs if I do not stay diligent on the cardio and weights. I otherwise tend to have skinny legs. That is my biggest problem area.
Diane Sue
RE: Bun & Thigh Rocker Question

Hey WD! The BTR is a total package for the lowerbody! It's fabulous for getting that weight off of your back and shoulders to give them a break and putting all that power into the lowerbody! To work the outter thighs on this you just position your feet on a right slant for 3 sets of 12(just an ex) than position your feet to the left for 3 sets of 12! To work on your special areas I would incorporate kickboxing for your cardio and do lots of kicks! side kicks,front kicks back kicks,roundhouse kicks,also side machine kicks-this is a side kick that don't come back to the ground, you can lean on something or just get into a side kick stance-extend and bend move , I have a pic of this on my fitness album click in there, if you are not familiar with kickboxing, I'll show you some moves!There's also a move that works the inner thighs( where I'm showing someone who's not flexible a move using the stability ball) how to circle the ball and lil by lil make that circle bigger ,to make it go into a full frontal circle starting from inner and circling round to outter thigh and then the ground--any questions let me know, you'll also see a pic of the BTR in the right hand corner of one of my workout room pics! or go to www.bodybyjake.com to see it but don't buy it there-it's too expensive -you can get it cheaper elsewhere http://www.hpphoto.com/servlet/com.hp.HPGuestLogin?username=francigirl&password=15709910

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