bun and thigh rocker


Active Member
I'm fairly new here and just read some threads on the BTR. For those who got it off of e-bay, how much resistance weight does it come with? Also, up to how much weight/resistance can you use with this and for those who are using it and seeing such great results, what resistance weight do you all use? Do you think it works better than what you can achieve with Cathe's tapes as far as leg work?

My husband might have a coronary if I get more exercise equipment so I may have to justify this purchase.

Sorry for all the questions;)
It come with (depending on where you buy it) 2-black 10lb. bands, and 2 blue 10 lb. bands, and 2 black 25 lb bands (if think!). I go heavy with leg work, so I bought 2 more 25 lb. bands and I use ALL of them. I may get more!

For me, this bugger was the magic I was looking for - free weights just did not do the job for me, but I think I'm a special case because my legs are real tough to get the muscle to show through the mush.

Just DO IT! :7
You can use dumbells with your BTR for extra resistance too! Just place them on the handle bars! I'm currently alternating using the LowerBody Pyramid workout one week BTR one week barbell! You'll love it! For more BTR info from the gang do a search putting in "bun and thigh rocker" you'll have more convincing power for you hubby!Honeybunch and I had ours for over 1 yr and a half, we're still raving and it was one of our best investments for fitness equipment! "Every women should have one!"
Honeybunch, where did you get the extra resistance bands? I don't want to buy this machine and then not have enough resistance.:(

I used my BTR w/ Leaner Legs today and had a tough workout. GREAT idea! I could feel my muscles working much more using the rocker vs. weights. Thank you Francine, Honeybunch, etc., for sharing the idea in another posting. The thought of using Cathe w/ the rocker never entered my mind. You gals are gems.
Honeybunch, I hate to be a total goober, but I canNOT find any customer service phone # at that site. Do you have it on ya, by chance?

customer service information:

Bun & Thigh Rocker
P.O. Box 4525
Pacoima, CA 91333


extra 25 lb bands are $9 plus $3 shipping for each band
extra 10 lb bands are $7 plus shipping (can't remember how much..$2 or $3 per band)
Hi there! I got my B and TR the other day. This is my impression--

It's not a good cardio machine.

It takes a lot to challenge my legs, since I've done heavy leg work in the past. I tried the heavy bands and I noticed a loss of resistance in the full range of movement towards the very end of the movement as you get closer to the seat to start another rep.

I did add dumbells and a barbell too. With the dumbell, you can take a 15 lb weight, turn it vertically and stick it between your legs close to the crotch. Squeeze as you do the movement. The dumbbell stays pretty well as you do the movement.

With the barbell, I used a 30 lb barbell holding it on the top of the thighs. This seemed to be the most effective. Even still, I was having trouble really challenging my legs. The first day I received the machine, I used it in varying ways for about an hour (spaced througout the day). The next day---NOT sore. I don't feel it at all in the quads; mostly butt.

What I'm gonna try next is a 40 lb barbell. Although I'm disappointed that it's not a good cardio machine, I still think it's a useful strength training machine. I'm going to introduce it to my mother, who is having knee surgery soon. She might be able to get some strength benefit with the lowest resistance.

Also, this thing does NOT hurt my knees. I have been out of breathe when using the barbell on the top of my legs, and I definitly can feel some low level challenge when I concentrate on the butt area and position to get the most range of movement and stress on the butt.

I like the Bun and Thigh Rocker for the most part. It's great for TV and mindless leg strength exercise. But, I'm afraid to say that a heavy (50 lb) bar is about the only thing that will really increase my leg strength. The B and T Rocker is basically a leg endurance machine, somewhat more strength promoting than a cardio workout. Useful for variety. It also has a nice feel to the movement.


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