?? bun and thigh rocker


Active Member
Does any one still use this? I was going to get one for my birthday today, but the sporting good store sold out. Is the bun and thigh rocker the same as the bun and thigh isolator? I seen the B&T isolator on hsn for $59.00. Would this be a good price or can i get it cheaper?
I just ordered a bun and thigh rocker from e-bay. I got a new one for $40 plus $20 shipping. You might check there
The B&T isolator offered on hsn.com is an imitation. Go get the real thing for cheaper! I bought mine after rave reviews from Honeybunch and Francine. I like the fact that it's really quiet. If you truly want results, you have to spend more than the advertised 3 minutes a day. Load up all the weight included and perform the entire movement slowly. Focus on really contracting your muscles.

I actually purchased 2 machines, one for me and one for my sister. My sister just recently got pregnant though. I'm going to put the second one up for sale on ebay next week. If you want to buy it instead, my email is: [email protected] Perhaps we can work something out. That will save me from ebay listing fees and I can send it to you in a jiffy.

This item is brand new and in a sealed box. The total price would be $60 ($40 for the item and $20 for shipping). The item weighs over 30lbs, that's why shipping is expensive.
I still use mine, and still love it. I have not outgrown the extra bands I bought - I use 4-25 lb. and 4 10 lb bands all at once. I don't use is for cardio at all - just for strength work.

Just Do It! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-03 AT 09:06AM (Est)[/font][p]The bun and thigh isolator is a cheaper version that does not come with a bar to place your hands! You have to keep your hands on the back rest (not comfortable) The BTR you can always add intensity by using dumbells to increase the weightload when the current resistance you're at is no longer challenging! A very sturdy,effective piece of equipment! Is there a reason why your sis can't use it while she is pregnant? Just curious because the BTR is safe and easy to use! If she was told light exercise , a nice walking program followed by the BTR would fit right into her program! When my girlfriend moved to Cali she left behind her BTR (which I passed on to Deborah)and she regreted it because of how easy it fit into her schedule and her butt lost it's lift--- it's all I heard about(why didn't I just take it)--so for christmas --I had one shipped to her-- so you have to get one--either off of Keilann or you can check out www.bjswholesale.com for a store near you $39.99 or D**k's sportinggoods --Your friend in fitness~~Francine
I agree with you. The BTR is a solidly built piece of equipment. Even though she is thrilled about the pregnancy, it's what you call an "accident". She already has 2 daughters (17 and 13). Both pregnancies were difficult and she'll be 40 when it's time for delivery. Under normal circumstances, I don't see anything wrong with exercising while pregnant. She thinks differently though.

Perhaps I'll give it to her after the delivery to help get back into shape. :)
You can do a lot of the same type of workout by using a fitness ball, one of those can be gotten for around 14 dollars at Walmart.
Hey Janice the bun and thigh rocker(BTR)is made by Jake www.bodybyjake.com don't buy it there though cause you can get it cheaper elsewhere--gotta get it girl!
Kathy if it's possible I'd definietly keep it for sis-we all have our setbacks , this will be a motivator for her when it's time get back on the horse(rocking horse that is--haha)Also, Jake stopped manufaturing these BTR to suppliers they are getting rid of what's in stock--he wants to promote his total trainer and sell more than 5000,000 plus like he did his rockers--this could change in the future only due to petitions to bring it back by popular demand- he has let his brother join in on the earnings with a similiar model--"the bun and thigh isolator" good but no BTR --- I don't agree with Jake discontinuing a great piece of equipment just for more sales on a newer invention but I have to give him credit for making the BTR--a remarkable-fair priced- piece of equipment! Take care and I wish your sis a healthy pregnancy!
Your friend in fitness~~Francine

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