I was bulimic for 20 years. Yes, 20. It started when I was 16, and just went on and on and on.....
I thought I would never be able to stop, and now I can't imagine ever doing it again. Seriously, it just doesn't cross my mind.
Do you know how you can stop this, for good? When you learn how to stop hating yourself, to deal with anger, get confidence, and stand up for yourself. Bulimia is all about hating yourself, hating your weakness, pushing down that hate and anger, and punishing yourself by sticking your finger down your throat and heaving until you're exhausted. You're committing violence against yourself, you are literally beating yourself up. I know, I did it.
You know how I stopped? I found a great therapist, dealt with the depression, and figured out what I wanted to do with my life. I've taken medication for 10 years, depression runs in my family, it's a chemical imbalance. I'm on Lexapro, but you may not need to stay on medication. For me, I know that it's NOT the medication that's keeping me from throwing up. I don't NEED to throw up anymore. I like the person that I am. I know that I always try to do my best, to do the right thing. If somebody wrongs me or someone I love, I stand up for myself, I go toe-to-toe with them. I never would have done that before. I would have slunk away, then gone home and thrown up. That would never happen now. I would deal with the issue, then get on with things.
You can beat this. You can recover, and not have to resist the temptation to do it again. Like I said, I don't think about it anymore. It's a non-issue, because I don't hate myself anymore. You may be saying, "but I don't hate myself." Yes, you do. Somewhere, deep down, you do, and that's what is driving this, self-hatred pure and simple.
Best of luck to you. You can do this.